You're going to have a lot of fun here!
English. The fantabulous toolkit you use to speak, read and write. There are a bajillion reasons to master this particular subject (it can improve your speech, help you impress employers and polish your general writing abilities) but we’re going to focus on just one.
When you master our English learning course, loads of your other subjects at school will benefit.
Throughout your time in KS3, you’ll realise that all your subjects require a significant amount of writing, whether it’s answering questions in Geography, writing essays in History or explaining the process of photosynthesis in Science. Gosh, you are busy bees aren’t you? Luckily, there are two things that can help you write at school.
We can’t help with the robot arm. At least, not yet. If we make any moves in the technological limb industry, you’ll be the first to know. But grasping the English language and using it to articulate your ideas clearly and effectively? We’ve got you covered!
So what exactly is in this toolkit of KS3 English? A whole lotta English knowledge, that’s what! From grammar and speech, to writing techniques and spelling, we’ve got so much stuff to fill your curious brains.
Don’t worry if it seems like a lot to learn, you’ve got Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 to master it all.
With a more in-depth understanding of English, you’ll be able to express yourself clearly and intelligently in many subjects at school. This is what makes English so important - it’s transferrable! But those transferrable skills work both ways. If your English isn’t up to scratch, it can have a negative impact on the rest of your subjects too. Gulp.
But hey - we’re here to help! We’ve got lots of quizzes to help you conquer the English syllabus.
Our KS3 English quizzes are crammed full of important knowledge from the National Curriculum and will help you master all kinds of topics like synonyms, verbs, sentence structure, onomatopoeia, nouns, suffixes and more!
English toolkits at the ready, kids. It’s time to train the next bunch of Shakespeares.
You probably know this already because you have heard it so many times from your parents and teachers but here we go again. There are THREE core subjects and if you master them you will have a springboard to success in any number of other subjects.
If you are feeling confident with all the English quizzes in this section then its time to move on to KS3 Science and KS3 Maths. Our quizzes will help you enjoy tackling these subjects and then the world is your oyster!