One thing which marks a novel out from other types of fiction is its length. When novels were first written they were shorter than the epic romances but nowadays even epics, such as War and Peace or The Lord of the Rings are considered novels. Generally a novel has 40,000 or more words – less than that and it is not a novel but a novella. Novellas have less conflicts than a novel. They also usually have no chapters as they are meant to be read at a single sitting, Perhaps we should have had a quiz or two devoted solely to novellas – there are some great ones!
This is the last in our series of four quizzes to test your knowledge of novels. In it you will be asked to recall the creators of both Reginald Perrin and John Rebus. If you find those questions too easy then we have some trickier ones for you – what was Blott's job in Blott on the Landscape and how old was Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye? Have a go and see if you can answer all ten questions correctly.