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Where I Live - Home Words and Terms
An Englishman's home is his castle.

Where I Live - Home Words and Terms

Quiz playing is a wonderful way to increase your knowledge of English as a Second Language. Remember that all of our ESL quizzes have titles that are both friendly and serious at the same time… In the case of this quiz you might like to tell your friends about “Where I Live?” but no doubt your teachers will talk about the “Home Words and Terms quiz”! If you hear a specific term and you want to find a quiz about the subject then just look through the list of quiz titles until you find what you need.

English homes come in many shapes and sizes. This quiz will teach you about the terms and words used when referring to homes. Your own home may be quite different, or perhaps surprisingly similar to some that you'll see here. At least you will (we hope!) have somewhere to sleep, somewhere to eat and relax, and a room with running water.

In this room I can see cupboards, a cooker, a fridge and a sink with taps. Which room am I probably in?
These are all things you would need to store, wash and prepare food. If you're not sure about any of these key words, please check them in your two-way dictionary!
Pick the word (or words) that makes the best sense, to fill the gap(s).
In some countries it is usual to find a toilet in the ... ... .
... living room.
... bathroom.
... bedroom.
... staircase.
The bathroom is probably the most usual place, but in some countries the toilet would be separate.
We think it unlikely that a toilet would be in any other of these suggested places, even in another country!
Pick the word (or words) that makes the best sense, to fill the gap(s).
A room usually feels much more comfortable if it has ...
... lights and windows.
... tables and chairs.
... carpets and curtains.
... a floor and a ceiling.
If you didn't have the things in Answers 4 and 1, you would hardly have a room at all!
It is usually the 'soft furnishings' ~ which people will choose, who own the room or spend time in it ~ that make it feel comfortable and friendly. These people will choose colours and patterns that give the place some character.
Pick the word (or words) that makes the best sense, to fill the gap(s).
She was really pleased to go into the guest bedroom and find ...
... a vase of fresh flowers on the bedside table.
... a pot of old blooms by the window.
... a nasty smell coming from under the wardrobe.
... nobody had put any sheets on the bed.
Answer 1 is clearly the most welcoming one. All the others are negative, and would not make anyone 'pleased' to be visiting the home!
If you're not sure about anything in this or the other answers, please do check it in your dictionary.
Pick the word (or words) that makes the best sense, to fill the gap(s).
'We live up here on the first floor, but the people ... ... on the ... ... are very friendly and they let us use the garden.'
... upstairs ... / ... second floor ...
... over ... / ... third floor ...
... back ... / ... top floor ...
... downstairs ... / ... ground floor ...
It makes sense that the 'ground floor' leads straight into the garden. If 'we' are on the First Floor, the Ground Floor must be downstairs (below us).
If the English system for naming and numbering the floors is different from yours, it would be worth your while to spend time understanding it; otherwise you may get into difficulties when you talk about the layout of buildings and try to find your way around them.
(There is something particularly uncomfortable about being in a lift and not knowing what is happening ... and the experience isn't any better in a foreign country and/or language!)
Pick the word (or words) that makes the best sense, to fill the gap(s).
The people at No.5 ( = Question 5, just now) said they 'live on the first floor', and they are friends with the people who live downstairs.
But with the people above them, it's 'another story' ... :
'The couple who live in the ... ... on the ... ... seem to spend all their time making a noise. Some evenings we have trouble getting to sleep!'
... flat ... / ... top floor ...
... apartment ... / ... top floor ...
... apartment ... / ... last floor ...
... flat ... / ... last floor ...
'Apartment' (Answer 2/3) is American English, but would be widely understood in Britain; we often speak about, and advertise 'holiday apartments' (which sound a bit grander and more spacious than 'flats'!).
Unlike some languages, we do not use the phrase 'last floor', so Answers 3 & 4 would each be wrong.
What room am I in, if I can see the following soft things?
Pillow, duvet, sheet, towel
In a bedroom, you would probably also have a facecloth (for washing) and your pyjamas; possibly a dressing-gown ( = bathrobe ) and a pair of slippers. There should also be curtains, and maybe a chair with a cushion ... all of which are soft things.
Pick the word (or words) that makes the best sense, to fill the gap(s).
In this new block, the ground floor flats have a ... ... , the penthouse ( = top floor ) has a ... ... , and everyone else has a ... ... .
... balcony ... / ... terrace ... / ... roof garden.
... roof garden ... / ... balcony ... / ... terrace.
... balcony ... ... roof garden ... / ... terrace.
... terrace ... / ... roof garden ... / ... balcony.
Think it through ... the 'roof garden' must be on the top floor, the 'terrace' is on the ground ( 'terra', or a similar word, in many major European languages), and the 'balconies' are on the in-between floors, for everyone else.
Pick the word (or words) that makes the best sense, to fill the gap(s).
Many British houses and flats have a ... ... in their ... ... , instead of it being on the ... ... or by the ... ....
... letterbox ... / ... front door ... / ... wall ... / ... garden gate.
... front door ... / ... back door ... / ... garden wall ... / ... letterbox.
... back door ... / ... garden wall... / ... front gate ... / ... letterbox.
... letterbox... / ... garden gate... / ... back wall ... / ... front door.
None of the others makes good sense like Answer 1 here.
You may be surprised what a difference the little details make. People from many countries would think the British very odd for having a hole in the front door of their home!
Pick the word (or words) that makes the best sense, to fill the gap(s).
Which of these is the correct version of the old saying about people and their homes?
A englishmens' home is their palace.
An englishmans' home is her palace.
An Englishman's home is his castle.
An Englishman is at home in his mansion.
Of course, not all English people live in a castle; indeed, very few do!
Answers 1 and 2 have language mistakes in them (did you spot what they are?); Answer 4 is fair English but it was never 'a saying', as such. The saying suggests that anyone's home is an important and precious place. (After all, most people spend more money on buying or renting a home, and then keeping and furnishing and decorating it, than they do on anything else.)
When British people ask you to visit their homes, please bear in mind what you have read here!
Author:  Ian Miles

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