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An arch is formed when a cave erodes further and forms a tunnel through the cliff


One part of geography that is looked at in KS2 is the coasts. Children will already understand that coasts are where the land and the sea meet, and now they will be taught about some of the geographic features that are found there, such as beaches, cliffs and bays.

Coasts are the edges of the land. The coast is the place where land and sea meet. There are special environmental features on the coast. Coasts are also places people meet for their holidays, where they can sunbathe on the beach, paddle in the sea and explore rockpools and caves.

See how much you know about coastal environments and the features that can be found there by playing this quiz.

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1 .
How is a stack formed?
When soft rock erodes and forms a hole in the cliff
When an arch erodes further, a part becomes separated from the coast
When a cave erodes further and forms a tunnel through the cliff
When a rock is pushed by waves and becomes rounded
Stacks can seem very lonely!
2 .
How is an arch formed?
When soft rock erodes and forms a hole in the cliff
When an arch erodes further, a part becomes separated from the coast
When a cave erodes further and forms a tunnel through the cliff
When a rock is pushed by waves and becomes rounded
Arches are caves that have worn all the way through a cliff. They look almost man made
3 .
What is the process called when waves throw pebbles at the cliff causing it to wear away?
Abrasion is faster than erosion
4 .
When soft rock erodes to create a hole in the cliff what is this known as?
Caves are deep depressions in the rock face
5 .
What is the term used when a cliff erodes at the bottom?
The higher part of the cliff is not exposed to the sea and so does not erode
6 .
What is a large flat area of sand known as?
A cliff
A coast
A sand dune
A beach
Beaches are places we go to enjoy the seaside
7 .
How are sand dunes formed?
The sea pushes the sand into hills
The wind blows the sand into hills
They are man made
Rivers push the sand into hills
They are always at the back of the beach as the wind comes off of the sea
8 .
When a bay is formed what is the name of the projections formed at either side?
The bay is formed when the rock along part of the coast erodes quicker than the headlands as they have harder rock
9 .
What is the name of the protection used to stop sand being swept from a beach?
Sand dunes
Sea wall
Have you ever seen groynes on a beach? They can look like pillars, posts or fences
10 .
On some coasts the cliffs are worn away by erosion. What acts on the cliffs to cause them to erode?
The waves can wear rock away, but it takes a very long time
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Exploring the UK's coasts

Author:  Amanda Swift

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