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Verbs 01
Did you know that it is impossible to have a sentence without a verb?

Verbs 01

Welcome to the KS2 English quiz all about verbs – the 'doing' and sometimes 'being' words! Verbs are like the superheroes of sentences - every sentence needs one to make sense.

Did you know there are action-packed verbs and calm 'being' verbs? Let's see how much you remember from your English lessons! Play this quiz to become a verb superhero!

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1 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
She wore the frilly pink dress because it was a birthday present from her cousins.
frilly, because
wore, birthday
wore, was
She, from
'Wore' is a 'doing' word and 'was' is a 'being' word.
2 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
I should go home before it becomes dark.
I, should, before
go, home, becomes
should, go, becomes
home, it, dark
'Should' is a modal verb, 'go' is a 'doing' word, and 'becomes' is a 'being' word.
3 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
They could see a bright rainbow in the sky.
They, could
could, see
see, bright
bright, sky
'Could' and 'see' work together in this sentence. 'Could' is a modal verb, which is a type of auxiliary (helper) verb - it is not possible to use 'could' without another verb.
4 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
"Is it time for lunch?" she asked.
Is, asked
time, she
lunch, asked
for, she
'Is' is a 'being' word and 'asked' is a 'doing' word.
5 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
She was five on her last birthday.
'Was' is a 'being' verb.
6 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
Grandad fishes in the river.
'Fishes' is the 'doing' word in this sentence.
7 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
The crowd filled the stadium and cheered their team enthusiastically.
crowd, cheered
filled, cheered
team, enthusiastically
cheered, enthusiastically
'Filled' and 'cheered' are the 'doing' words in this sentence.
8 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
I hope the train arrives on time today.
I, today
hope, train
arrives, time
hope, arrives
'Hope' and 'arrives' are the 'doing' words in this sentence.
9 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
My mother adores coffee.
'Adores' is the 'doing' word in this sentence.
10 .
Find the verb(s) in the following sentence.
They went out for a stroll and watched the sunset.
They, stroll
went, stroll
went, watched
watched, sunset
They went, they watched - 'went' and 'watched' are the doing words. 'Stroll' is a noun in this sentence, it is WHAT 'they went out for'.


Author:  Sheri Smith

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