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What Happened Next?
What effect did the war have on the world?

What Happened Next?

What Happened Next focusses on the outcome of the War.

At 11 o'clock on Monday 11th November 1918, the armistice came into effect and the fighting which had lasted for over four years finally ceased. But what were the consequences of the war? What had changed and what was to come about because of the conflict? This quiz is about how the post-war world differed from the one before it. What was the world now like after the bloodiest war it had ever seen?

1 .
After the war Germany's overseas territories were divided among the Allies, and Germany itself lost land to France, Belgium, Denmark and which two newly-created countries?
Latvia and Poland
Poland and Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovakia and Lithuania
Lithuania and Poland
The largest amount of territory lost by Germany went to make the western part of the new nation of Poland. This separated the state of East Prussia from the rest of Germany and caused outrage among many Germans. This was one of the factors which led to World War II
2 .
The economy of one nation boomed in the aftermath of the war. Which nation was it?
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The United States of America
America's war effort had seen higher taxes and the growth of its national debt. However, the rebuilding of a Europe ravaged by war brought profits for American companies and the nation enjoyed prosperity during the 'Roaring Twenties'. This lasted until the stock market crash of 1929 which brought about the 'Great Depression', a factor in the build up to World War Two
3 .
The Treaty of Versailles brought the war to its official conclusion on what date?
28th December 1918
28th March 1919
28th June 1919
28th September 1919
The treaty, signed by Germany, France, Italy and Britain, had Germany accept responsibility for the war and to pay reparations. In addition German's army was limited to 100,000 and it was forbidden from having tanks, warships and submarines. The Treaty of Versailles contained a total of 440 articles
4 .
The formerly Chinese territory of Jiaozhou Bay, held by the Germans since 1898, was taken from Germany and given to which nation?
Japan was an ally during the war and had taken several territories from the Germans. China was also an ally and its mistreatment by the other Allied powers brought about the rise of Chinese Nationalism
5 .
After the war Britain lost a larger proportion of its area than Germany had, after which country gained its independence?
New Zealand
The Irish War of Independence began in 1919 after the wartime Easter Rising against British conscription. Britain was economically crippled by the war, with the value of the pound falling by almost two thirds and inflation more than doubling. The victory had cost Britain dearly
6 .
The Frenchman who negotiated the armistice with Germany, Ferdinand Foch, was fearful of another war with Germany. He said of the peace treaty, "This is not Peace. It is an Armistice for..." how many years?
For five years
For ten years
For twenty years
For forty years
Foch believed that Germany would want revenge on the Allies and when he saw that Germany had been left mostly unbroken by the Treaty of Versailles, he predicted a second war twenty years into the future. His prediction was astonishingly accurate. The Second World War began on 1st September 1939, 20 years, 2 months and 2 days after the treaty was signed
7 .
The Austro-Hungarian Empire was completely broken up after the war and its lands divided between how many countries?
Three countries
Five countries
Seven countries
Nine countries
The lands were split between the new nations of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Poland. Some territories were also ceded to Romania and Italy
8 .
The Russian territories of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan gained their independence in 1918 but were re-absorbed into the new Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, after how long?
After 4 years
After 8 years
After 16 years
After 32 years
All three states were proclaimed Soviet Republics in 1922. Russia also lost land to Finland and to the newly-created states of Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
9 .
In 1919 an organisation was founded whose aim was to prevent any future wars. What was the name of this organisation?
The Anti-War Alliance
The United Nations
The Peace Alliance
The League of Nations
The main reason for the League's existence was to settle disagreements between countries via negotiation. It also aimed to improve workers' rights, to stop the trafficking of humans, drugs and arms, to improve global health, and to protect prisoners of war and ethnic minorities. The League failed in its main task and after World War II it was replaced by the United Nations, which still exists today
10 .
Following the armistice the Allies continued to blockade the German ports. As Germany was reliant on imports for food this blockade contributed to the deaths of how many Germans after the war?
Up to 750,000
Up to 75,000
Up to 7,500
Up to 750
The blockade was there in case there was a resumption of hostilities, but also to hurry Germany into signing a peace treaty. It is estimated that as many as 750,000 German civilians died from either starvation or disease in the months following the armistice


Author:  Graeme Haw

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