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How The Bible Came To Be
In the 3rd century BC, Jewish religious books were translated from the Hebrew into another language.

How The Bible Came To Be

What we today call the Bible, is not one book, but a collection of many shorter books, written by different authors over centuries and brought together in one volume.

The Old Testament is a collection of ancient Jewish holy scripture and the New Testament is just a small part of the early Christian writings. But who chose which books would make it into the Bible and which would be cast aside?

1 .
Martin Luther was a Protestant reformer who translated the Bible into German. Luther's version of the Bible omits some books which are found in the Roman Catholic Old Testament. Luther also wanted to remove four books from the New Testament, which he considered to be non-canonical. Which four books were they?
John, Philippians, Philemon and Revelation
Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation
Romans, I Peter, II Peter and Revelation
Matthew, Titus, II Timothy and Revelation
Luther felt that the books went against some Protestant doctrines, but his followers did not share his views and the books remained in the New Testament. They were, however, placed after all the other books and are the last four books in the Lutherian Bible
2 .
The last of the books in the New Testament to be accepted as canon is The Revelation, as late as 419 AD. Which famous theologian of the 16th century said of Revelation, "Christ is neither taught nor known in it"
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Thomas Cranmer
John Knox
Revelation's place in the Bible was always at risk with many doubting its authenticity, its imagery and its message, even as far back as the 2nd century
3 .
In the 3rd century BC, Jewish religious books were translated from the Hebrew into another language. The resultant book is known as the Septuagint. In which language is the Septuagint written?
Greek was the dominant language of the time after the Middle East had been conquered by Alexander the Great. The title, which is Latin for "70," comes from the legend that 72 Jewish scholars, 6 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel, translated the work for Ptolemy, the King of Egypt for inclusion in the Great Library of Alexandria
4 .
The first five books in the Bible, from Genesis to Deuteronomy, are known in Hebrew as the Torah. What, in English, does Torah mean?
Traditionally the Torah was written by Moses after being revealed by God. These teachings were handed down through the generations and it is believed that the versions we have today were written after the Babylonian exile, between 600-400 BC
5 .
In the early years of Christianity there was dispute over which books should be canon and which were heresy. The 4 versions of the Gospel were widely accepted as the only 4 true Gospels, by St Irenaeus of Lyons in what year?
Circa 85 AD
Circa 105 AD
Circa 145 AD
Circa 185 AD
Before this time different churches used different Gospels. There are known to be many more than the 4 included in the New Testament, including the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of Judas Iscariot
6 .
There are 14 Epistles, or letters, in the New Testament which have been thought to have been written by St Paul. How many of these are now thought by scholars to have actually been written by him?
Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, First Thessalonians and Philemon are all widely accepted as works of Paul's. The other seven are now thought to have been written by imposters claiming to be Paul. In addition to the 14 which made it into the New Testament, there are a further 14 books which claim to have been written either by, or about, Paul
7 .
The canon of books in the Catholic Bible was decided upon in the Council of Trent. In what year did the Council of Trent end?
In 663 AD
In 963 AD
In 1263 AD
In 1563 AD
The Council, which took place between 1547 and 1563, was a response to the Protestant Reformation. It was responsible for numerous reforms and specified Catholic doctrine on salvation and the sacraments, as well as on the books to be included in the Biblical canon
8 .
The Acts of the Apostles was chosen for inclusion in the Bible. Its author also wrote one of the 4 Gospels. Which one?
There were many other books of Acts apart from the one written by Luke. Some include the Acts of Andrew, John, Paul, Peter and Thomas
9 .
The second part of the Jewish Bible, or Tanakh, from which we get the Old Testament, is Nevi'im, or prophets. The corresponding part of the Christian Bible contains 21 books, but how many are in the Jewish original?
8 books
16 books
24 books
32 books
The books in the Nevi'im are Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the 12 Minor Prophets. Samuel and Kings are both divided into two books in the Christian Bible, and the 12 Minor Prophets are split into 12 separate books.
The Prophets were a later addition to the Jewish Bible, coming after the Torah. They were accepted as canon sometime before 180 BC, but the exact date is unknown
10 .
The third, and final, section of the Jewish Bible is the Ketuvim, or "writings." These were accepted as a part of the Jewish Bible in which century?
The 2nd century BC
The 1st century BC
The 1st century AD
The 2nd century AD
Although not an accepted part of the Jewish Bible until the 2nd century, the "writings," which includes 11 books such as Psalms, Proverbs and Daniel, were well known and had some religious authority given to them. References are made to them in the Gospels


Author:  Graeme Haw

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