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The Bahá’í World Centre
The Shrine of the Báb in Haifa, viewed from the bottom of the terraced gardens.
© Bahá'í International Community

The Bahá’í World Centre

The Bahá’í World Centre, the spiritual and administrative heart of the Bahá’í community, is located in the twin cities of Akka and Haifa in northern Israel. It comprises the Shrines of Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, other holy sites of the Bahá'í Faith in the area, and the buildings on the slope of Mt. Carmel. These structures include the Seat of the Universal House of Justice, the International Teaching Centre’s building, the Centre for the Study of the Texts, and the International Bahá’í Archives, all of which are set in extensive gardens.

1 .
How are the buildings on Mount Carmel arranged?
In a square
In a circle
In an arc
In a row on the top of the mountain
From ancient times, Mount Carmel has been known as the "Mountain of the Lord." Bahá'u'lláh said the mountain would be "the seat of His throne."
2 .
What is the working language at the Bahá’í World Centre?
There are people from many different countries and continents serving there, and English has been selected as the working language at the Bahá’í World Centre.
3 .
The mother, brother, sister and wife of `Abdu’l-Bahá are buried in the Monument Gardens on the side of Mount Carmel. Who arranged for these memorials to be built?
Shoghi Effendi (the Guardian)
The Universal House of Justice
Shoghi Effendi designed many of the gardens and included these memorials, which are near the administrative buildings.
4 .
Who chose the spot where the Shrine of the Báb should be built?
Shoghi Effendi (the Guardian)
The Universal House of Justice
At the end of his life, Bahá’u’lláh was allowed a degree of freedom. He visited Mount Carmel with his son, `Abdu’l-Bahá, and pointed out the spot where the Báb’s remains should be buried.
5 .
The World Centre communicates with the National Spiritual Assemblies all over the world. Approximately how many National Spiritual Assemblies are there?
More than 100
More than 130
More than 170
More than 200
6 .
The staff who work at the World Centre come from all over the world. On what basis are they paid?
They get the average rate for the job
They get the top rate for the job
They get the average pay for the job in their own country
They generally only get expenses, as they are volunteers
This also applies to members of the Universal House of Justice.
7 .
There are terraced gardens above and below the Shrine of the Báb. How many terraces are there?
There are 9 terraces above and 9 below the terrace on which the Shrine itself stands. Many of the locations at the Bahá'í World Centre, including the terraces and the Shrine of the Báb which constitute the north slope of Mount Carmel, were inscribed on the World Heritage List in July 2008.
8 .
Where would you find the letter that the Báb wrote to Bahá’u’lláh?
In the Archives building
In the Centre for the Study of the Texts
In the Seat of the Universal House of Justice
In the International Teaching Centre
The Archives Building has a section that pilgrims can visit. The Báb’s letter is mounted on the wall there.
9 .
Why is the Bahá’í World Centre in the Haifa/Akka area?
The Ottoman government, as a policy, allowed religious minorities to settle in that part of the empire
Bahá’u’lláh was exiled to this area, died there some years later and was buried there
The price of land was lower there, and the Bahá’ís needed to put up many buildings, and create beautiful gardens
The area was chosen because the view from high up Mount Carmel is so sweeping and majestic
Because of his teachings, Bahá’u’lláh was imprisoned for about forty years. His final exile was to the Akka area.
10 .
What is the centre or focal point of the buildings on Mount Carmel?
The Seat of the Universal House of Justice
The Shrine of the Báb
The Archives building
The library
The Báb was executed in Iran in 1850 and his remains were later brought to Haifa and laid to rest on Mount Carmel. The golden dome of the shrine is a famous landmark in Israel.


Author:  National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

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