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White Roses

White Roses represented the House of York.

White Roses

White Roses looks at the House of York.

The Wars of the Roses were fought between two royal houses: that of Lancaster and that of York. But who exactly were the people in these families and why were they rivals? Find out about the dynasty represented by a white rose: House of York.

1 .
After the death of his only legitimate son, Richard III named John de la Pole as his heir. What relation was de la Pole to Richard?
He was Richard's illegitimate son
He was Richard's nephew
He was Richard's cousin
He was Richard's brother-in-law
De la Pole was the son of Richard's sister, Elizabeth. He rebelled against Henry VII and was killed at the Battle of Stoke Field in 1487
2 .
The head of the House of York bore the title the Duke of York. How many Dukes of York have there been?
14 Dukes of York
24 Dukes of York
34 Dukes of York
44 Dukes of York
Following the demise of the Yorkist monarchy, the title was no longer passed down. Instead it has been traditionally given to the second son of the ruling monarch. Prince Andrew is the current Duke of York
3 .
The second Duke of York was Edmund's son, Edward. He was killed in 1415 at which battle?
The Battle of Bannockburn
The Battle of Crecy
The Battle of Agincourt
The Battle of Poitiers
Edward had no children and so his title passed to his nephew, Richard. Richard, through his mother, was the grandson of the chosen heir of Richard II, Roger Mortimer
4 .
Who was the last member of the House of York to hold the title Duke of York?
Edward of Norwich
Richard of Gloucester
Edward of Rutland
Richard of Shrewsbury
Richard of Shrewsbury was the youngest son of Edward IV. His brother, before becoming Edward V, was the Prince of Wales
5 .
If the Tudors had not taken the throne from the House of York, the descendants of the House of York would now be the rulers of England. What would be the name of the current king?
King Shaun
King Stephen
King Shane
King Simon
The descendants of Richard III's brother George are the Earls of Loudoun. The current Earl of Loudoun is Simon Abney-Hastings who lives in Australia
6 .
Richard of York had four sons. How many of them became kings of England?
None of them
One of them
Two of them
Three of them
Richard's eldest son became Edward IV and his youngest son was Richard III. Of his two middle sons George was executed by his brother Edward IV for treason and Edmund died alongside his father in the Battle of Wakefield
7 .
Before his death Richard II named Roger Mortimer, the grandson of Lionel of Antwerp, as his successor. Roger never got to be king because Richard II had his throne usurped by who?
Henry Bolingbroke
John Beaufort
Henry Stafford
Richard of Conisburgh
Henry was the son of John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster. He took the throne by force and the period of Lancastrian rule began
8 .
In addition to being the kings of England, the three Yorkist kings were also lords of which country?
The Lordship of Ireland was created in 1171 by the invasion of English King Henry II. It lasted until 1542 when English monarchs became the Kings or Queens of Ireland. The British monarchs relinquished their claim to southern Ireland in 1949 when it was proclaimed a republic
9 .
The House of York gets its name because its members are descendants of Edward III's son, the first Duke of York. What was the first Duke of York's name?
Edward, the Black Prince
Lionel of Antwerp
John of Gaunt
Edmund of Langley
Edmund was Edward III's 5th eldest son. Later members of the House of York were also descended from Edward's 2nd eldest son, Lionel of Antwerp. The House of Lancaster was descended from Edward's fourth eldest son, John of Gaunt
10 .
Richard of York's claim to the throne was strengthened because his mother was the daughter of Roger Mortimer, King Richard II's chosen heir. What was the name of Richard of York's mother?
Margaret Mortimer
Anne Mortimer
Catherine Mortimer
Jane Mortimer
Sadly, in bringing Richard into the world, Anne was taken from it. She died from complications arising from his birth one day later. She was 20 years old


Author:  Graeme Haw

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