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Mammals - British Mammals 3
This British mammal is monogamous and is usually found in small groups rather than herds.

Mammals - British Mammals 3

We tend to immediately think of rats when anyone mentions rodents. Rodents make up the largest order of mammals. They include beavers, voles, mice, dormice and squirrels. Rodents have two incisors which must be kept short by gnawing as these incisors don't stop growing!

There are a great many primates in the world, but here in Great Britain we only have one. If you are not sure which one it is, go and look in the mirror!

1 .
Can you name this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Marie Jullion
Common Noctule
Hoary Bat
Greater Horseshoe Bat
Brandt's Bat
  • Order: Chiroptera
  • Family: Rhinolophidae
  • Genus: Rhinolophus
  • Species: R. ferrumequinum
  • Spotted mostly in south Wales and south west England.
  • Gets its name from the flap of skin around the nose.
  • This flap is used as part of the echolocation system - rather like a dish on a satellite receiver!
2 .
Can you name this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of KaurJmeb
Reeve's Muntjac
Wild Boar
Water Deer
European Otter
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Cervidae
  • Genus: Muntiacus
  • Species: M. reevesi
  • The current population's ancestors are mostly likely escapees from Whipsnade Zoo.
  • Have been spotted in large urban parks in areas of London.
  • Can be a traffic hazard, as they do not readily move out of the way of cars.
3 .
What is the gestation period for a cow?
Photograph courtesy of backpackphotography
3 months
5 months
7 months
9 months
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Bovidae
  • Genus: Bos
  • Species: B. primigenius
  • There are roughly 1.3 billion cattle in the world today.
  • Cattle are red-green colour-blind, therefore the expression "like a red flag to a bull" is technically incorrect!
  • In India, cattle are sacred animals.
4 .
Can you name this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Dani Kropivnik
Pine Marten
European Polecat
American Mink
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Mustelidae
  • Genus: Martes
  • Species: M. martes
  • Roughly the size of a small cat.
  • Found in Scotland and Ireland, less so in England.
  • Mostly hunt on the ground.
  • They are very good climbers and can climb with great agility.
5 .
A Red Squirrel was used in a 1960s/1970s campaign to educate children about road safety. What was his name?
Photograph courtesy of Toivo Toivanen & Tiina Toppila
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Sciuridae
  • Genus: Sciurus
  • Species: S. vulgaris
  • A native of the UK, unlike the Grey Squirrel which was introduced.
  • Rare in southern England.
  • Very territorial and will fight aggressively to protect their 'patch'.
6 .
What is a castrated male goat known as?
Photograph courtesy of
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Bovidae
  • Genus: Capra
  • Species: C. aegagrus
  • Goats are one of the oldest domesticated species.
  • Their hide has been used for wine bottles and parchment.
  • Their distinguishing feature is horizontal slit-shaped pupils.
  • Extremely curious and intelligent.
7 .
Can you name this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Michael Gäbler
House Mouse
Brown Rat
Harvest Mouse
Edible Dormouse
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Muridae
  • Genus: Micromys
  • Species: M. minutus
  • Extremely active climbers and feed in the stalk zone of long grasses and reeds.
  • Feedings tends to occur at dawn and dusk.
  • Hearing is acute and they will react sharply.
8 .
Can you name this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Evan James hymo
Common Shrew
Water Shrew
Field Vole
Bank Vole
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Cricetidae
  • Genus: Myodes
  • Species: M. glareolus
  • The tail is nearly as long as the body.
  • Can be spotted in hedgerows, banks and verges, especially in deciduous woodland.
  • It has prominent ears and a chestnut-brown coat.
9 .
Can you name this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of James B Brown
Roe Deer
Fallow Deer
Sika Deer
Scottish Red Deer
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Cervidae
  • Genus: Capreolus
  • Species: C. capreolus
  • A native species to Britain.
  • Habitat is open woodland and any place with plenty of cover.
  • They have a short white tail.
  • Monogamous and usually found in small groups rather than herds.
10 .
What is a group of badgers living together known as?
Photograph courtesy of BadgerHero
A family
A clan
A kin
A sett
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Mustelidae
  • Genus: Meles
  • Species: M. meles
  • An unmistakable animal with its black and white striped face.
  • They have no predators except each other and man.
  • An extremely clean animal, it prefers to dig latrines away from the sett.


Author:  Sarah Garratty

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