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Mammals - British Mammals 2
Foxes have been living in Britain since the last ice age.

Mammals - British Mammals 2

The fox is a highly adaptable species. It is found in almost all habitats from salt marshes and sand dunes to the tops of mountains. In Britain, more than elsewhere in Europe, foxes have also adapted to life in urban surroundings.

'Fantastic Mr Fox', the story by Roald Dahl, was made into an animated film in 2009 with the voice of George Clooney as Mr Fox.

Test your knowledge of British mammals in the following picture quiz. Good luck!

1 .
What is a rabbit's home called?
Photograph courtesy of Norrie Adamson
  • Order: Lagomorpha
  • Family: Leporidae
  • Genus: Oryctolagus
  • Species: O. cuniculus
  • Common and widespread throughout Britain.
  • Can be spotted at dawn or dusk at roadsides.
  • There were no rabbits in Britain until the 12th Century.
  • They warn other rabbits of any threats by thumping the ground.
2 .
Can you identify this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Benjamint444
Red Kangaroo
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Red-necked Wallaby
  • Order: Diprotodontia
  • Family: Macropodidae
  • Genus: Macropus
  • Species: M. rufogriseus
  • Found in the Peak District and Sussex.
  • First introduced to Britain from Tasmania over 100 years ago - in zoos.
  • The young stay in Mum's pouch for approximately 10 months.
3 .
What is the term used to describe a dog with a mix of multiple breeds?
Photograph courtesy of Chris Barber
Heinz 37
Heinz 57
Heinz 77
Heinz 97
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Canidae
  • Genus: Canis
  • Species: C. lupus
  • Is known as 'Man's best friend'.
  • Domesticated from wolves approximately 15,000 years ago.
  • Can hear sounds at four times the distance of humans.
  • Also, can detect smells at concentrations nearly 100 million times lower than us!
4 .
Can you identify this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of
Lesser White-toothed Shrew
European Otter
Least Weasel
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Mustelidae
  • Genus: Lutra
  • Species: L. lutra
  • A secretive semi-aquatic species which was once widespread in Britain.
  • Its main diet is fish, although it will take coots, moorhens and ducks.
  • They are mostly nocturnal.
  • Strictly protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
5 .
Can you identify this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Rabensteiner
Water Vole
Water Shrew
Bank Vole
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Cricetidae
  • Genus: Arvicola
  • Species: A. amphibius
  • A rare species in Britain.
  • Grows up to 30 cms in length from nose to tail.
  • Ratty from Wind in the Willows was this animal.
  • Can be spotted by ponds, lakes and slow running rivers.
6 .
Boar was often used in the production of which object?
Photograph courtesy of Richard Bartz
Piano key
Chess piece
Ballet shoe
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Suidae
  • Genus: Sus
  • Species: S. scrofa
  • Is an ancestor of domestic pigs.
  • Extremely vocal and will grunt and chirrup to each other.
  • Also emits a loud squeal when threatened or alarmed.
  • In this country, their only predator is man.
Hair from the neck was used for the bristles until the invention of synthetic materials in the 1930s
7 .
Can you identify this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of Björn Schulz
Harvest Mouse
Brown Rat
Hazel Dormouse
Common Vole
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Gliridae
  • Genus: Muscardinus
  • Species: M. avellanarius
  • Found mostly in the south of England and throughout Wales.
  • Active at night and hibernate in the winter months.
  • Distinguished by their hairy tail.
  • An old English name for this mammal is 'sleeper'.
8 .
Can you identify this British mammal?
Photograph courtesy of
Brown long-eared Bat
Whiskered Bat
Northern Bat
  • Order: Chiroptera
  • Family: Vespertilionidae
  • Genus: Plecotus
  • Species: P. auritus
  • Its ears are nearly as long as its body length!
  • Maximum recorded age is 30 years.
  • Widespread across mainland Britain.
  • They fly slow and low, making them vulnerable to nocturnal mammals.
9 .
What is the female fox known as?
Photograph courtesy of
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Canidae
  • Genus: Vulpes
  • Species: V. vulpes
  • Has been living in Britain since the last ice age.
  • Widespread and common in all habitats.
  • Approximately 500,000 cubs are born in the UK every year.
  • They are generally nocturnal.
10 .
Which of these is NOT one of Santa's reindeer?
Photograph courtesy of Dean Biggins
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Cervidae
  • Genus: Rangifer
  • Species: R. tarandus
  • Britain's only herd of this species is in the Cairngorm mountains of Scotland, where they roam free.
  • A beautiful and gentle animal.
  • They have similar traits to humans.
  • There are words in the Sami language for them such as lazy, happy and grumpy.


Author:  Sarah Garratty

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