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Judaism is not a religion of absolutes.
Perspectives about God
This quiz, Perspectives about God, is about Jewish beliefs.
Judaism is a religion that does not have an official credo (belief or set of beliefs) that all Jews must accept in order to be Jewish. Judaism is not a religion of absolutes.
1 .
Jewish belief in God’s existence is ....
on the basis of an acceptance almost without question
because the old, wise sages were never questioned in biblical times, and as they are not around now, they therefore can’t be questioned
on the basis of an accepted divine proof
because successive generations of rabbis have never questioned this
Proof is not generally questioned or needed, and so is rarely offered. The Torah (the Five Books of Moses or the Old Testament) states "In the beginning, God created …." It does not tell who God is or how He was created
2 .
Under instruction from God, every Jewish person is uniquely connected to ....
their immediate family
every other person around them
every other Jewish person
Judaism firmly believes that Jews are uniquely connected with each other, regardless of where they might live in the world. As a result, all Jews are part of a global Jewish community
3 .
Most Jewish people are uncomfortable about ....
Judaism without God
Christianity with Jesus seen as God
the three main branches of Judaism - Orthodox, Progressive (Liberal, Reform) and Conservative
the afterlife
It’s all very much about how the individual defines “God”, “belief” and “Jew”. While Judaism is a very people-orientated religion, a humanistic perspective that departs from God-orientation beliefs is often frowned upon
4 .
Jewish people believe in strict monotheism, that is, there ....
is no real God
is only one God
is a God who is the Father, along with a Son and a Holy Spirit
are several Gods, each responsible for a different aspect of life
Judaism as a monotheistic faith, means that Jews believe there is only one God. They also believe that while it may be beyond our ability to comprehend, God is nevertheless present in Jewish people’s everyday lives
5 .
One of the tenets taught by Judaism is that one day ....
a Messiah (a person sent by God) will unite the world and bring peace to humanity
there will be a peaceful afterlife uniting all deceased Jewish people
to overcome barriers to learning, prayers will be conducted in the language of the host country nation
the physical existence of God will be conclusively proven
The concept of a Messiah is not a central part of every Jewish person’s belief, but over the centuries this tradition does teach that the Messiah will be descended from the family of King David who, according to the Bible, was the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah
6 .
The small Secular Humanistic Jewish movement caters for ....
Jews who weren’t born Jewish, but later converted to Judaism
people born Jewish who converted to another religion
Jews who think there is more than one God
Jews who wish to identify as being Jewish, but who are opposed to God imagery
This small denomination, started in 1963 by the rabbi Sherwin Wine does not believe that the creation story as related in Genesis (the first book of the Old Testament) reflects actual events and that God perhaps didn't create the world in six 24-hour periods, neither did God actually rest on the seventh day
7 .
Through God, the Torah (the Five Books of Moses that constitute the Old Testament) tells Jews about Israel that ....
the Land of Israel was part of the covenant made between God and the Jewish People at Mount Sinai
they should visit at some time during their life
they should visit and make pilgrimage to Mount Sinai where the Ten Commandments were received
they should always keep Israel in their minds
There is, however, no one particular view of Israel among modern day Jews. Some Jewish people strongly support Israel, while others feel somewhat in conflict as a result of the politics of the region. The one thing that can be said of all Jewish people is that Israel is part of every Jew’s outlook, one way or another
8 .
Judaism teaches that ....
every Jewish person was and is created ‘in the image of God’
every person, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, is created ‘in the image of God’
all gods take human form only
God rests every Saturday
Every person, irrespective of their religious belief, is as equally important as the next and has an infinite potential to do good while they are in the world. People should have their own free will to make choices in their lives, and each is themselves responsible for any consequences of those choices
9 .
Judaism does refer to “the holy spirit”. In this instance it is a reference to ....
There the only three times that the phrase is used in the Hebrew Scriptures, an in Judaism, it literally means "the spirit of holiness" or "the spirit of the holy place", as opposed to a physical “holy spirit”, as for example, in Christianity
10 .
Judaism’s most important text is the ....
book of daily prayer
book of Sabbath prayer
set of ancient Dead Sea Scrolls discovered by the Dead Sea
Torah (the Old Testament and five Books of Moses)
This contains ancient stories and commandments that teach Jews about life and death. It contains the 10 Commandments together with the 613 minor commandments (or “mitzvot”). All Jews consider the 10 Commandments to be the most important commandments in the Torah, while not all Jews will observe all 613 mitzvot, considering some of them meaningless in the context of the modern world