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Jewish Food
Find out about Jewish food in this enjoyable quiz.

Jewish Food

This quiz, Jewish Food, looks at kosher cuisine.

Jewish cuisine is a very diverse cuisine that has developed and evolved over many centuries. It is very much moulded by Jewish dietary laws (Kosher) and Jewish Festival and Sabbath customs. Jewish cuisine is very much influenced by the agriculture, culinary traditions and economics of the many countries where Jewish communities have existed, based on the availability of permitted Kosher food and the creativity of the cook. As a result, it varies widely throughout the world.

1 .
The main ingredients of hummus are ....
chicken breasts
Chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans, are the main ingredient in hummus, which are a rich source of fibre and protein. Chickpeas also contain numerous vitamins and minerals including folic acid (chickpeas tend have a higher level of folic acid than other beans do), magnesium and zinc. The chickpeas are usually puréed together with lemon juice or vinegar, garlic, tahini (sesame seed butter) and olive oil
2 .
Mixing milk and meat in meal is prohibited under Jewish dietary laws because ....
it was thought to taste acrid and cause digestive problems
of biblical laws relating to food consumption
milk soured more quickly than meat in biblical times in the days before fridges
meat made milk turn red, which was too much associated with blood
This is based on a verse in the Book of Exodus, (the second book of Moses in the Old Testament (and ‘Torah’, the Jewish Scroll of the Law), which states that one should not "boil a kid goat in its mother's milk"
3 .
Borscht, now commonly found on sale in Polish, other east European shops and supermarkets in the UK is ....
an egg omelette topped with spinach and smoked salmon
the sound a matzah ball makes when it is dropped into chicken soup
cold beet soup
the Jewish name for a beef cutlet
Borscht is a soup of Ukrainian origin, usually served cold, that is very popular in many Eastern and Central European countries which has now also become very popular in Western Europe. It is usually made with beetroot as the main ingredient, but sometimes and in some countries, tomato is used as the main ingredient, with beetroot added as an ancillary ingredient, more to give it the distinct deep pink to ruby colour. Raw chopped vegetables, such as radishes or cucumbers, are sometimes added and the soup can be garnished and flavoured with parsley, dill or a healthy sprinkle of freshly-ground pepper
4 .
What dish is also referred to as "Jewish Penicillin"?
Challah bread
Pickled herrings
Chicken soup
In the words of celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, every Jewish family has its own version of this absolutely classic ‘feel-better soup’. 'Schmaltz', which is the Yiddish word for chicken fat, makes the white circular matzo balls that are traditionally added to the soup so wonderful. A large family-sized pot of soup, made by slow-boiling chicken for several hours, also usually contains a large onion or two, three or four celery sticks and diced carrots, together with the usual soup seasonings
5 .
The oranges grown in northern Israel are referred to as ....
Cape oranges
Seville oranges
Jaffa oranges
Sunkist oranges
The Jaffa orange, sometimes referred to as the Shamouti orange, is a sweet and almost seedless orange variety with a tough skin that makes it particularly suitable maintaining its quality when exported. It takes its name from the city of Jaffa where it was first produced for export. Its main feature is its rather oval shape and thick peel, which is deep orange in colour, and the fact that is normally very easy to remove this skin from the fruit
6 .
After the Golan Heights were annexed in 1967 following the Six-Day War, which two fruits were planted and cultivated in this formerly under-utilised area?
Grapes and dates
Kiwis and apples
Olives and dates
Apples and grapes
The volcanic soil is to cultivate vineyards for grapes and orchards for apples using rainwater from the Golan's catchment that has been carefully diverted so as not to disturb the water table in the area
7 .
Pastrami on Rye is ....
a brand of flavoured crisp-bread favoured by people on a diet
a sandwich of Turkish origin
a chicken curing process
a thin, soup-like stew containing strips of beef and a mixture of beans and pulses
While the word pastrami was borrowed from the Turkish word spelled the same way, traditional westernised pastrami, eaten usually on dark brown rye bread as a sandwich originated in New York. It is made from the navel end of the brisket. It is usually cured in brine (a heavily-salted water) and coated with a delicate mix of spices such as garlic, black pepper, paprika, coriander, cloves, allspice, and mustard seed and then smoked. Rather than have one medium slice as you would in a roast beef sandwich, it is usually thinly-sliced and can be interleaved with equally thinly-sliced dill-pickled cucumbers. The Carnegie Deli in New York is famed for providing Pastrami on Rye sandwiches so large that most diners leave with their leftovers in a doggy-bag
8 .
An Israeli Salad is ....
the national salad dish of Israel
a euphemism for sliced beef tomatoes in balsamic vinegar
made from everything except salad ingredients
made from fresh fruit
It is a salad made from finely chopped and diced tomatoes and cucumbers, and sometimes peppers (with the nick-name acronym, ‘TCP’). Its main feature is the manner with which the tomatoes and cucumbers are diced extremely small (according to the urban myth to enable Kibbutz workers to eat quickly and easily using a fork only). It is certainly the most well-known national dish of Israel
9 .
Which of the following foods is ‘Kosher’ and thus may be eaten by Jewish people?
Rabbit, eagle, owl, sturgeon, reptiles and insects, together with pork, swan, pelican, vulture, stork, catfish, lobster and shellfish (filter feeders) are considered non-kosher. Permissible meats (cattle and game that have “split hooves” and which also “chew the cud”) must be slaughtered painlessly in a prescribed manner and under the supervision of a ritual slaughterer, with certain veins and fats removed to be kosher, and only fish with fins and scales may be eaten. Many Kosher dietary laws stem from ancient biblical hygiene practices as well as avoiding foods that did not spoil or make people sick in biblical times when there were no fridges, or were simply deemed unnecessary to eat (for example, food that crawled or slithered when alive)
10 .
The small, baked, dough ‘bread’ that has become very popular worldwide, especially when containing smoked salmon and cream cheese, is called a ....
A bagel (also spelled beigel) is a bread product made from yeasted wheat dough and is traditionally shaped by hand into the form of a ring. It is roughly hand-sized, and is first boiled for a short time in water and then baked to produce a dense, chewy, doughy interior while the exterior is usually browned and sometimes crisp. There are many modern variations on this once mono-bread – for example, onion, cheese, sesame-seed, chilli. The hole in the middle is hundreds of years old and provides other useful benefits aside from just providing a more even cooking and baking surface. The hole was used to thread string or dowels through groups of bagels for easier handling and transportation and to make more attractive seller displays


Author:  Ed Moss

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