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Purpose of Creation
What was the universe created with? Find out in this quiz!

Purpose of Creation

There exists a purpose behind each of the creations.

The purpose of creation is something that puzzles every human being at some point in his or her lifetime. Everybody at some time or another asks themselves the question “Why do I exist?” or “For what purpose am I here on earth?”. The variety and complexity of the intricate systems which constitute the fabric of both human beings and the world in which they exist indicate that there must be a Supreme Being who created them.

Humankind is not, in fact, the greatest creation. Allah says in the Quran: “Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it.” (Quran 40:57)

1 .
Who is the ultimate source of life and success?
Allah is the ultimate source of life and success
Man is the ultimate source of life and success
Angels are the ultimate source of life and success
Jinn are the ultimate source of life and success
Allah is the ultimate source of life and success; Allah deserves the full love and devotion of mankind. Humans also love those who benefit them and help them when they are in need. Since all benefit (7:188) and help (3:126) come from Allah, He should be loved above all else.

“If you try to count Allah’s blessings, you will not be able to add them up.” (Quran 16:18)

However, the supreme love which humans should feel for Allah must not be reduced to the common denominator of their emotional love for creation. Just as the love humans feel for animals should not be the same as what they feel for other humans, the love of Allah should transcend the love humans feel towards each other. Human love of Allah should be, fundamentally, a love manifest in complete obedience to the laws of Allah: “If you love Allah, then follow me [the Prophet] and Allah will love you.” (Quran 3:31)
2 .
What was the universe created with?
The universe was created with gaseous material
The universe was created from pillars and stones
The universe was created with nothing
None of the above
The Quran contains the following verse regarding the origin of the universe: “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder?” (Quran 21:30)

“He created the heavens and the earth from nothing” (Quran 6:101). This Verse proves the scientific fact which was discovered that the universe came into being through the explosion of a single point-mass that had zero volume
3 .
Why did Allah create the jinn and humankind?
Jinn and mankind have been created to create mischief
Jinn and mankind have been created for the worship of Allah
Jinn and mankind have been created for travelling across the world
None of the above
Allah defined the purpose of mankind’s creation in the Quran: “I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship.” (Quran 51:56)

Thus, the essential purpose for which humankind was created is the worship of God. However, the Almighty is not in need of human worship. He did not create human beings out of a need on His part. If not a single human worshipped God, it would not diminish His glory in any way, and if all of humankind worshipped Him, it would not increase His glory in any way. God is perfect. He alone exists without any needs. All created beings have needs. Consequently, it is humankind that needs to worship God
4 .
What are the forms of worship in Islam?
Salah (Prayers)
Sawm (Fasting)
Remembrance of Allah
All the Above
The regular daily need to eat, work and sleep is linked to the daily need to renew man’s connection with Allah. With regard to regular prayer, Allah states in the final revelation: “Verily, I am Allah, there is no God beside Me, so worship Me and establish regular prayer for My remembrance.” (Quran 20:14)

Regarding fasting, Allah stated in the Quran: “O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you that you may become God-conscious.” (Quran 2:183)

The believers are encouraged to remember Allah as much as possible: “O believers! Remember God often.” (Quran 33:41)

Verily It is in the remembrance of Allah you find Peace and Tranquillity !!!
5 .
How is mankind instructed to show gratitude to the creator?
Mankind should show gratitude by building houses to live in
Mankind should show gratitude by abusing each other
Mankind should not show gratitude at all
Mankind should show gratitude by glorifying Allah
Man is instructed to show gratitude to Allah by glorifying Him. In the Quran, Allah says: “Glorify the praises of your Lord...” (Quran 15:98)

In glorifying Allah, man chooses to be in harmony with the rest of creation which naturally glorifies its Creator. Allah addresses this phenomenon in many chapters of the Quran. For example, in the Quran, Allah states: “The seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in them glorify Him and there is nothing which does not glorify His praise. However, you do not understand their glorification.” (Quran 17:44)
6 .
Who is termed as the best of the creations?
Those who do mischief on earth are the best of creations
Those who believe in Allah and do righteous deeds are the best of creations
Those who marry are the best of creations
There is nothing which is termed as the best of creations
Those who believe in One Unique Allah, without partners or offspring, and do righteous deeds become the crown of creation. That is, although humankind is not the greatest creation of God, they have the potential to become the best of His creation. In the final revelation, God states this fact as follows: “Surely, those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of creation.” (Quran 98:7)
7 .
Does Allah need our worship?
Allah is dependent on our worship
Allah needs our worship
Allah is not in need of our worship, it is mankind who needs to worship Allah
None of the above
Allah is in no need of our worship, it is mankind that needs to worship Allah. If no-one were to worship Allah, it would not take away from His glory in any way, and if all of mankind were to worship Him, it would not add to His glory. It is we who are in need of Allah:

“I need no provision from them, neither do I need that they should feed Me for, surely, Allah Himself is the Provider of all sustenance, the Possessor of mighty power.” (Quran 51:57-58)

“…But Allah is rich, and it is you that are poor...” (Quran 47:38)
8 .
What is the purpose of all the prophets who were sent down to the world?
All the prophets were sent to enjoy themselves among the people
All the prophets were sent to frighten the people
All the prophets were sent with one message, “Worship Allah and None else”
None of the above
All the prophets sent by Allah came with the same essential message: “Indeed, We have sent a messenger to every nation (saying), ‘Worship God and avoid false gods...’” (Quran 16:36)

The prophets brought the same answer to mankind’s most troubling question, an answer that addresses the yearning of the soul for Allah
9 .
What is worship in Islam?
Worship in Islam means obedient submission to the will of God
Worship in Islam is travelling across the world
Worship in Islam means doing things that one likes
None of the above
‘Islam’ means ‘submission’, and worship, in Islam, means ‘obedient submission to the will of God.’ Every created being ‘submits’ to the Creator by following the physical laws created by God: “To Him belongs whosoever is in the heavens and the earth; all obey His will.” (Quran 30:26)

This worship is the essence of the message of all the prophets sent by God to mankind
10 .
Who is the creator of everything?
Mankind is the creator of everything
Angels are the creators of everything
Jinns and angels are the creators of everything
Allah, the Exalted is the creator of everything
The act of creation is a consequence of the divine attribute of being the Creator. God describes Himself as the Creator in a variety of verses throughout the final revelation to emphasize to humankind that everything belongs to Him alone.

“Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs”. (Quran 2:102)

“And Allah created you all and whatever you do.” (Quran 37:96)

“Allah created the heavens and the earth from nothing” (Quran 6:101)

The Originator of the heavens and the earth! When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. (Quran 2:117)


Author:  Mohammed Azmath

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