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Democracy in Islam
What does Islam state about equality in justice?

Democracy in Islam

Democracy in Islam focuses on government and rulers.

Islam is a “total way of life". It has provided guidance in every sphere of life, from individual cleanliness, rules of trade, to the structure and politics of the society. Islam can never be separated from social, political, or economic life, since religion provides moral guidance for every action that a person takes.

Muslims have a right to appoint their rulers, hold them accountable and, when need be, to remove them from office. Islam does not, however, empower the system of government with the right to absolve or change the legislation of the religion. What this means is that the people or their elected officials do not have a right to make permissible what God has forbidden, or to declare forbidden what God has made permissible.

1 .
Does Islam permit the free practice of other religions and religious tolerance?
Islam permits religious harmony, freedom and religious tolerance
There is no religious harmony in Islam
Other religions cannot be practised in an Islamic State
None of the above
The religious harmony, freedom and tolerance which Islam lays down could be best understood from the following verses, mentioned in the Quran “..To you be your religion, to me be mine.” (Quran 109:6)

Allah, the Exalted mentions in the Quran, “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error” (Quran 2:256)

The first Article of the constitution laid down by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the inhabitants of Madinah, the Muslims as well as those who had entered the pact from the Jews, Christians and idolaters, were “one nation to the exclusion of all others". All were considered members and citizens of Medina society regardless of religion, race or ancestry.

The lives of the practitioners of other religions in Muslim society were also given protective status. The Prophet said: “Whoever kills a person who has a truce with the Muslims will never smell the fragrance of Paradise.” (Saheeh Muslim)
2 .
What is the meaning of Sharee’ah?
Sharee’ah means leadership
Sharee’ah means “Straight Path”
Sharee’ah means nothing
None of the above
Sharee‘ah, literally means ‘a waterhole where animals gather daily to drink’, or ‘the straight path’ as in the Quranic verse: “Then We put you on a straight path (Sharee‘ah) in your affairs, so follow it and do not follow the desires of those who have no knowledge.” (Quran 45:18)

Islamically, Sharee‘ah refers to the sum total of Islamic laws which were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and recorded in the Quran as well as deducible from the Prophet’s divinely guided lifestyle called the sunnah
3 .
Is the ruler permitted to prohibit what is permitted and vice versa, any Law which is ordained from Allah?
A ruler can only permit what is prohibited
A ruler can only prohibit what is permitted
No, a ruler is not permitted to prohibit what is permitted by Allah or vice versa
None of the above
Legislation is the right of Allah alone, and religion must be pivotal in deciding the validity of any new law. What this means is that the people or their elected officials do not have a right to make permissible what God has forbidden, or to declare forbidden what God has made permissible.

However, Islam permits what is prohibited as a temporary measure, for example, consuming pork is prohibited in Islam, however if one is in a state where he has to consume pork to live, he/she can consume it for that time being and save his/her life. Islam is a very flexible religion and Allah mentions in the Quran: “Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want for you difficulty..” (Quran 2:185)

An Islamic society can legislate any law for improving and uplifting life, as long as they are not in contradiction to the law ordained by Allah
4 .
Is public interest heard and respected in Islamic for politics?
Yes, Maslaha is the traditional Islamic concept for upholding the public interest
No, public interest is not important
The public should have no interest at all
None of the above
Islam is not just a religion, it is referred to as “DEEN” which literally means the complete way of life. In general, one can see that Islam is a religion which not only governs the private religious life of an individual, but also mandates and regulates all aspects of public life.

Maslaha is one of the Islamic concepts which is used to uphold the public interest
5 .
In Islam, can women hold important positions in the government?
Yes, in Islam women can hold important positions in government and politics
No, women cannot hold any important positions in government
Only men are allowed to hold important positions in government
No one can hold positions in the government
Women have the right to voice their opinions on social issues. On any public matter, a woman may voice her opinion and participate in politics. Also, Islam does not forbid a woman from holding important positions in government which suit her role as a woman. Abdurrahman Ibn Awf consulted many women before he recommended Uthman Ibn Affan to be the Caliph
6 .
What does Islam state about equality in justice?
Islam prescribes to render justice to friends and foes alike, in a just manner
Islam mentions that the hatred between people should not influence justice
Islam forbids injustice in all means
All the above
Islam considers justice to be a supreme virtue. It is mentioned in the Quran, “Allah commands justice and fair dealing...” (Quran 16:90)

Allah, the Exalted mentions in the Quran, “O you who believe, be upright for God, and (be) bearers of witness with justice!...” (Quran 5:8)

Therefore, one may conclude that justice is an obligation of Islam and injustice is forbidden. The Islamic standards of justice transcend considerations of race, religion, colour and creed, as Muslims are commanded to be just to their friends and foes alike, and to be just at all levels. As the Quran mentions: “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even if it be against yourselves, your parents and your relatives, or whether it is against the rich or the poor...” (Quran 4:135)

“Let not the hatred of a people swerve you away from justice. Be just, for this is closest to righteousness…” (Quran 5:8)
7 .
Do Muslims have the right to select the ruler, in an Islamic political system?
Muslims do not have the right to select rulers
Muslims have the right to select and appoint rulers
Only highly placed Muslims can select
None of the above
In an Islamic political system, Muslims have a right to appoint their rulers, hold them accountable and, when need be, to remove them from office
8 .
What basic human rights are provided to all citizens of the Islamic State?
The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic State are considered sacred
Racism is forbidden in Islam
Everyone is free to practise their religion
All the above
The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether a person is Muslim or not. Islam also protects honour. So, in Islam, insulting others or making fun of them is not allowed. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), said: “Truly your blood, your property, and your honour are inviolable.” (Saheeh Bukhari, Hadith:1739) (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith:2037)

The religious harmony, freedom and tolerance which Islam lays down could be best understood from the verses which I have quoted above. It is mentioned in the Quran “..To you be your religion, to me be mine.” (Quran 109:6)

Allah, the Exalted mentions in the Quran, “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error” (Quran 2:256)
9 .
What is the Islamic concept for the community consensus called?
There is no consensus required
None of the above
Islam prescribes the “Ijma” the community consensus, for important decisions. This is one of the important aspects of democracy and fulfils the very definition of the democracy, By the People, For the People
10 .
What is the Islamic concept for the consultation between the ruler and the ruled?
None of the above
The Islamic traditional democratic concept of consultation between the ruler and the riled is called Shura


Author:  Mohammed Azmath

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