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Weeds - Lawn Weeds
A weed-free garden would take 24-hour attention!

Weeds - Lawn Weeds

A weed is nothing more than a wild plant growing where it is not wanted. Almost any variety of weed can make an appearance in a well kept lawn but many of them are killed very quickly as soon as their heads are chopped off by the lawnmower! Other varieties grow close to the ground and do not succumb to the mower – these are the ones that we commonly refer to as 'lawn weeds'.

1 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of M J Richardson
Creeping thistle
Creeping buttercup
  • Latin Name: Ranunculus repens.
  • Has bright golden flowers that are 2 to 3 cm across.
  • Plants are poisonous but because they are distasteful they are avoided by grazing cattle and sheep.
  • When dried with hay the poisons disappear.
  • Stems from the plants steadily creep through a lawn, rooting as they go.
2 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of AnemoneProjectors
Wild Sorrel
Scarlet pimpernel
Creeping thistle
  • Latin Name: Plantago major.
  • Forms a low growing rosette of leaves up to 30 cm in diameter.
  • Long greenish-brown flower spikes can be produced but they are seldom seen in lawns because they are cut off by the mower.
  • Grows happily in the compacted areas that can be found in many lawns.
  • Sometimes known as 'soldiers herb' because of its use as a field dressing.
3 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of
Creeping buttercup
Scarlet pimpernel
  • Latin Name: Bellis Perennis
  • Grows very close to the ground and although its flower heads are often taken off by the mower there are always others that open within a day or two!
  • Each white petal is an individual flower as are each of the central yellow parts.
  • Flowers that work together in this way to attract insects are known as composite flowers.
4 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of Alvesgaspar
Scarlet pimpernel
  • Latin Name: Anagallis arvensis.
  • Sometimes called poorman's barometer or poor man's weather-glass on account of the fact that its flowers are open only when the sun is shining.
  • One of the nicer weeds! It is seldom very troublesome but its brilliant orange flowers can be very noticeable in an immaculately kept lawn.
  • It is the emblem of a famous fictional character.
5 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of
Creeping thistle
Wild sorrel
  • Latin Name: Achillea millefolium.
  • Known by many different names including nosebleed plant, old man's pepper, devil's nettle, sanguinary, milfoil, soldier's woundwort and thousand-leaf.
  • Medicinally it can be used to staunch the flow of blood from a wound.
  • Infested lawns can have a mass of very low-growing fern like plants that co-exist happily alongside the grasses.
6 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Scarlet pimpernel
  • Latin Name: Argentina anserina.
  • Belongs to the rose family but you would never guess by looking at it.
  • Foliage is covered in silky white hairs - particularly on the underside.
  • Has creeping red stolons that can reach out as much as 80 cm from the plant and therefore it can spread through a lawn extremely quickly.
  • Particularly fond of sandy soil.
7 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of
Creeping thistle
  • Latin Name: Cirsium arvense.
  • Flowering heads are much loved by finches, linnets and many species of butterfly but it is best NOT to grow them in your lawn!
  • Has spiny leaves that are a menace in lawns used for recreation.
  • The fast-growing underground root system can be difficult to kill once established so early eradication is important.
8 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of Matt Lavin
  • Latin Name: Trifolium repens.
  • The Latin deciphered means three (Tri) leaves (folium).
  • Finding a plant with four leaves is supposed to bring good luck.
  • In legend, the first leaf represents faith, the second is hope, the third is love and the fourth is luck.
  • There are both red flowered and white flowered forms of the plant.
9 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of
Wild sorrel
Creeping buttercup
  • Latin Name: Rumex acetosa.
  • Also known as spinach dock and narrow-leaved dock.
  • Roots grow deep into the ground.
  • Commonly found in the wild and is sometimes cultivated as a herb.
  • Its leaves are eaten by many species of butterfly and moth.
10 .
Can you identify this weed that is frequently found in lawns?
Photograph courtesy of Beeblebrox at Wikipedia
Wild sorrel
  • Latin Name: Taraxacum officinale.
  • Yellow flower heads change into silver balls of seed that fly off in the wind.
  • All parts can be eaten by humans and they are much loved by pet rabbits and guinea pigs.
  • Milky sap oozes out if you break a stem.


Author:  Colin King

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