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Houseplants - Houseplants 2
Houseplants come in a wide variety.

Houseplants - Houseplants 2

It is an unfortunate fact of houseplant growing that the more ordinary a plant looks, the longer it will last in the home.

A gloxinia will look spectacular for a short while but a swiss cheese plant will be only a baby when the gloxinia dies. A caladium will keel over and die if you look at it the wrong way but an ivy will still be happily waiting for you if you leave it in a freezing house while you go on holiday for a fortnight. You pays your money....

1 .
The edible asparagus is asparagus officinalis. The closely related plant that is grown as a houseplant is called what?
Photograph courtesy of
Asparagus deliciosus
Asparagus decorosus
Asparagus fernosus
Asparagus plumosus
  • Sometimes referred to as the lace fern although it is not a fern at all.
  • A native of South Africa.
  • Foliage is sometimes used in floral decorations but it is best not to denude your prize houseplant for this purpose!
  • Considering its very delicate appearance it is surprisingly drought-resistant.
  • Compost should be allowed to become quite dry before watering.
2 .
This plant is variously known as heart of Jesus, angel wings and elephant ears but what is its scientific name?
Photograph courtesy of Ram-Man
  • There are over 1,000 named varieties with wonderful leaf patterns of pink, red and white.
  • Most varieties can grow to about 60 cms square under ideal conditions.
  • Plants are grown from corms which go dormant during the winter and then grow quickly from spring onwards.
  • Keep the growing plant moist at all times.
  • They are not easy to grow in the house but they make admirable conservatory plants that can occassionally be moved around to other rooms.
3 .
What is the name of this plant?
  • The common name for this plant is African violet.
  • Originates from Tanzania and Kenya.
  • Available in a wide range of colours including blues, purples, reds and whites.
  • Recent breeding work has produced double flowers.
  • Temperatures should not be allowed to fall below 15 degrees C.
  • Cold water is a definite no no! Ensure that all water used has been warmed to room temperature.
4 .
This is a Ficus benjamina. To which group of plants do Ficus belong?
Photograph courtesy of
  • Native to Asia and Australia.
  • Easy to grow in homes and offices.
  • There are a number of variegated forms but these are more difficult to look after than the plain green form.
  • It is noted as a plant that adds a degree of elegance and sophistication wherever it is seen.
  • Once settled it dislikes being moved and will quickly show its annoyance by dropping several leaves!
5 .
To get hyacinths flowering inside for Christmas you will need to give them a cold treatment lasting how long?
Photograph courtesy of TBoard
2 weeks
5 weeks
8 weeks
11 weeks
  • Hyacinths naturally flower in the spring but specially treated bulbs can be bought that can be persuaded to come into flower early.
  • Making bulbs flower early is known as 'forcing'.
  • Bulbs should be planted in containers before the cold treatment begins.
  • The ideal temperature for the cold treatment is 2 - 8 degrees C. This can be achieved by wrapping the containers in a polythene bag and keeping them in a refrigerator. If this is not possible then a cold shed will suffice or failing that keep them outside. Take great care not to get the containers frosted because this will damage or kill the bulbs.
6 .
When growing a gloxinia from a tuber how deep should the tuber be planted?
Photograph courtesy of
Sitting on the surface
Lightly covered
An inch below the surface
Two inches below the surface
  • Extremely showy plants that can either be purchased in bloom or (if you are more adventurous) grown from tubers.
  • Like its close relative the saintpaulia it does not like water on its foliage.
  • Gloxinia connoisseurs usually insist that the plant is stood in tepid water for up to an hour so that the compost sucks it up from the bottom.
  • Strong sunlight will scorch the developing leaves whilst too little light will make them stretch and go leggy.
7 .
This leaf pattern is typical of which houseplant?
Photograph courtesy of
Money plant
Rubber plant
Swiss cheese plant
Zebra plant
  • Latin Name: Monstera deliciosa.
  • In Mexico an infusion is made from the roots which is believed to relieve the symptoms of arthritis!
  • It grows quickly when provided with adequate warmth (over 20 degrees C), shade and high humidity - all but the last are easily provided in the home.
  • Frequent misting of the plant helps.
  • As it grows it will need firm supports - poles wrapped in moss are often used.
8 .
To grow well, begonia rex requires which of the following?
Photograph courtesy of Gtr Nelson
Constantly wet compost
High humidity
High level of nutrients
High temperature
  • There are numerous varieties with fascinating combinations of coloured leaves.
  • The rule of thumb is that the lower the temperature the more light the plant requires.
  • In the depths of winter it is best to keep in the sunniest position in the home.
  • Take care not to over-water because waterlogged compost results in the plant rotting.
Begonia rex can withstand fairly low temperatures provided the compost is not too wet
9 .
What type of orchid is this?
Photograph courtesy of
  • This is the type of orchid that is most widely used as a houseplant.
  • Flowers come in virtually every conceivable colour combination.
  • Not as difficult to grow as the delicate flowers would suggest but you require a greenhouse or conservatory to persuade it to flower a second time.
  • In cool conditions an individual flower will remain in pristine condition for several weeks.
10 .
Which type of ivy is this?
Photograph courtesy of Digigalos
  • The non-variegated form is unexciting and seldom grown but the variegated forms (such as the one shown) can make excellent houseplants.
  • In deep shade it will lose the colouring of the leaves and revert back to plain old green!
  • It will tolerate a wide range of temperatures and even light frosts do not harm it.
  • When growing strongly it requires a weekly dose of fertilizer and it will also need some form of support.


Author:  Colin King

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