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Poetry 4
Pam Ayres wrote the poem I Wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth.

Poetry 4

Poetry expresses a whole variety of moods, from the serious reflection of an elegy to the joy (or heartbreak!) of a love sonnet. But there is one particular style always guaranteed to raise a smile – comic verse. The best known form of comic verse is of course the limerick. Here’s a well-known example:

There was a young woman from Leeds,
Who swallowed a packet of seeds.
In less than an hour
Her ears were in flower
And her hair was covered in weeds!

This is the last of our four poetry quizzes - and indeed the last in our series of eighty-one quizzes on books. I hope you’ve enjoyed and also been informed by this section. And, whichever genre or author you prefer, may we wish you many hours of happy reading!

1 .
Who wrote the 1814 poem She Walks in Beauty?
Lord Byron
Charles Lamb
Sir Walter Scott
William Wordsworth
He wrote it in praise of his cousin, Lady Anne Wilmot Horton
2 .
Which English poet died in 1864 in Northampton General Lunatic Asylum?
William Blake
John Clare
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Thomas Love Peacock
He was committed there in 1841 after having spent an earlier spell in an asylum in Epping Forest
3 .
In Robert Browning's poem The Pied Piper of Hamelin, the Piper leads the rats into which river?
The Main
The Moselle
The Saar
The Weser
The Weser flows through Hamelin and Bremen on its way from Lower Saxony to the North Sea
4 .
Which Liverpool poet was a member of the group Scaffold in the 1960s?
Pete Brown
Adrian Henri
Roger McGough
Brian Patten
They had a Christmas Number One in 1968 with Lily the Pink
5 .
Which American poet wrote a series of humorous verses to accompany the Saint-Saëns musical work The Carnival of the Animals?
John Berryman
EE Cummings
Ogden Nash
James Thurber
Nash wrote humorous poems for each movement of the piece, which are often recited when it is performed
6 .
Who was the first person to be interred in Poets' Corner in the South Transept of Westminster Abbey?
Geoffrey Chaucer
John Dryden
Ben Jonson
William Shakespeare
More than 50 literary greats have followed Chaucer. There are also over 80 memorials for poets/writers and artists who are buried elsewhere
7 .
Which English Poet Laureate also wrote the children's novels The Midnight Folk and The Box of Delights?
Alfred Austin
Cecil Day-Lewis
John Masefield
Andrew Motion
He was Poet Laureate from 1930 until his death in 1967
8 .
One of Pam Ayres' poems is I Wish I'd Looked After Me... what?
The humorous poem has 8 verses, each written in the form of a limerick
9 .
How many lines are there in a limerick?

Here's an example:

"There was an Old Man in a tree,
Who was horribly bored by a Bee;
When they said, 'Does it buzz?'
He replied, 'Yes, it does!'
'It's a regular brute of a Bee!'"

10 .
What was the title of the cycle of sixty-three poems published by AE Houseman in 1896?
A Shropshire Lad
A Staffordshire Lad
A Suffolk Lad
A Sussex Lad

The main theme of the series is mortality and the need to seize the mm oment. An example is these lines from Reveille:

"When the journey's over
There'll be time enough to sleep"


Author:  Tony Rennick

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