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Genre - Novels 4
The Stars' Tennis Balls is a modern take on The Count of Monte Cristo.

Genre - Novels 4

One thing which marks a novel out from other types of fiction is its length. When novels were first written they were shorter than the epic romances but nowadays even epics, such as War and Peace or The Lord of the Rings are considered novels. Generally a novel has 40,000 or more words – less than that and it is not a novel but a novella. Novellas have less conflicts than a novel. They also usually have no chapters as they are meant to be read at a single sitting, Perhaps we should have had a quiz or two devoted solely to novellas – there are some great ones!

This is the last in our series of four quizzes to test your knowledge of novels. In it you will be asked to recall the creators of both Reginald Perrin and John Rebus. If you find those questions too easy then we have some trickier ones for you – what was Blott's job in Blott on the Landscape and how old was Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye? Have a go and see if you can answer all ten questions correctly.

1 .
The Stars' Tennis Balls, published by Stephen Fry in 2000, is, by his own admission, a straight steal of which classic novel?
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Scarlet Pimpernel
For reasons unknown, the book's title was changed to Revenge in the United States
2 .
In the Mark Twain novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, what is the name of Tom's aunt, who looks after him?
Aunt Dolly
Aunt Holly
Aunt Molly
Aunt Polly
Polly is the sister of Tom's dead mother. Tom and his half-brother Sid live with Polly and her daughter Mary
3 .
How old is Holden Caulfield, the narrator of the JD Salinger novel The Catcher in the Rye?
The novel is noted for its themes of teenage angst and alienation and Caulfield has come to symbolise teenage rebellion
4 .
Which Charles Dickens novel is set during the Gordon Riots of 1780?
Martin Chuzzlewit
Nicholas Nickleby
Our Mutual Friend
Barnaby Rudge
The Riots came at a time when Britain was fighting France, Spain, the Dutch Republic and American rebels. Some thought that they were a deliberate attempt by the French to destabilise the country before an invasion
5 .
Mary Yellan is the heroine of which Daphne du Maurier novel?
Frenchman's Creek
Hungry Hill
Jamaica Inn
My Cousin Rachel
The real Jamaica Inn, once a smugglers' haunt, still stands on Bodmin Moor in Cornwall, just off the A30
6 .
Who wrote the Reginald Perrin novels?
David Nabbs
David Nibbs
David Nobbs
David Nubbs
The 3 novels, The Death of Reginald Perrin, The Return of Reginald Perrin and The Better World of Reginald Perrin were adapted into the TV series The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin starring Leonard Rossiter
7 .
In the 1975 Tom Sharpe novel Blott on the Landscape, what is Blott's job?
He's gardener to Lady Lynchwood at Handyman Hall
8 .
Wilbur Smith's 1964 novel When the Lion Feeds is the first of many to feature which family?
The Ballantynes
The Courtneys
The Dangerfields
The Eglingtons
The Ballantynes first appear in A Falcon Flies in 1980
9 .
In the novel Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov, what is the title character's real first name?
Despite the book's controversial subject matter, it came fourth in the Modern Library's list of the 100 best novels of the 20th Century
10 .
Which Scottish novelist created the character John Rebus?
Iain Banks
James Kelman
Ian Rankin
Irvine Welsh
John Rebus has been played on TV by both John Hannah and Ken Stott


Author:  Tony Rennick

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