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Genre - Mythology 2
The Naiads were Greek water nymphs.

Genre - Mythology 2

Mythologies are found in every culture on Earth (even modern societies with their urban myths and characters such as Father Christmas), and so they must have some king of importance. A culture’s shared stories grant a sense of belonging, a guide to expected behaviour and lessons in morality. It has also been suggested (most notably by Joseph Campbell) that myths are a means of understanding universal psychological truths and a necessary part of life.

This is the second of our two quizzes on mythology. In it you’ll find more taxing questions about gods and goddesses, heroes, monsters and magical beings. Are you up to the task? You are required to recollect such names as Volturnus, Oedipus, Zeus, Odin, the Dioscuri, the Naiads and Thor – and not only their names but also the cultures they came from and the roles they had; alternatively you could always go to another quiz!

1 .
Approximately when did Homer record the deeds of Greek gods and heroes in The Iliad and The Odyssey?
11th or 10th century BC
9th or 8th century BC
7th or 6th century BC
5th or 4th century BC
The ancient historian, Pseudo-Herodotus, says that Homer was born 622 years before Xerxes I of Persia's invasion of Greece in 480 BC. That would be 1102 BC, 168 years after the fall of Troy in 1270 BC
2 .
In Greek mythology, who did Oedipus kill?
His brother and his father
His father
His mother and his father
His sister and his father
Oedipus killed his father and then married his mother - but in his defence, he didn't know who they were!
3 .
With what did the Norse god Thor fight his last battle, when both combatants died?
Cosmic buffalo
Cosmic crocodile
Cosmic serpent
Cosmic wolf
The cosmic serpent (Jormungandr) was thought to surround the world
4 .
Of what was Volturnus a mythological Roman god?
His feast day, Volturnalia, was held on the 27th of August and was celebrated with food, wine and games
5 .
In Greek mythology, who was the cannibalistic father of Zeus?
Cronus was the King of the Titans. He heard in a prophecy that he would be overthrown by his son - so he ate his children!
6 .
How are the Dioskouroi (or Dioscuri) better known?
Romulus and Remus
Jupiter and Juno
Bromius and Ceres
Castor and Pollux
The twin horsemen who became the constellation Gemini. Their sister was Helen of Troy
7 .
Which of the following was not a Roman deity - Abeona, Ares, Aurora, Averna?
Ares was a Greek god - the Romans called him Mars
8 .
What were the Greek mythological characters The Naiads?
Goddesses of the Arts and Sciences
Sea Monsters
Water Nymphs
There were many other types of nymphs - the spirits of trees, flowers, glens, pastures, mountains, stars, caves... etc.
9 .
From what did Odin and two other Norse gods create the first human couple?
Two fish
Two fruit bushes
Two reindeer
Two tree trunks
The tree trunks, Askr and Embla, were washed up on the shore
10 .
In whose house did Greek god Zeus permit Persephone to spend 4 months a year?
Persephone was the goddess of vegetation and in her absence every winter, the ground became barren


Author:  Tony Rennick

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