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Genre - Autobiographies 3
Mark Twain's 1883 autobiography describes his experiences as a steamboat pilot.

Genre - Autobiographies 3

In the 19th Century the idea of fame and celebrity began to develop, and the new ‘stars’ soon wrote autobiographies. Writers, politicians, philosophers and cardinals all wrote their memoires and even the circus founder P. T. Barnum cashed in. These books differed from earlier memoires as they contained accounts of the stars' childhoods rather than dealing only with their public achievements. The autobiography that we are familiar with today was beginning to take form.

Maybe everyone has an inbuilt yearning to write or maybe the famous simply cannot resist the financial incentives offered to autobiographers! Some of them are talented writers, whilst some would have done better to leave the writing to others! Whatever your views about celebrities memoires, you will find that Mark Twain, Liz Smith, Terry-Thomas, Adolf Hitler and Katie Price have each filled a book with information about themselves. Why not have a go at this quiz and test yourself on the subject of autobiographies?

1 .
What is the English translation of the title of Adolf Hitler's autobiographical work Mein Kampf?
My Destiny
My Duty
My Future
My Struggle
Hitler originally wanted to call his book Viereinhalb Jahre (des Kampfes) gegen Lüge, Dummheit und Feigheit which translates into English as Four and a Half Years (of Struggle) against lies, stupidity and cowardice
2 .
Which tennis star wrote the 1999 autobiography Tennis Trailblazer?
Jimmy Connors
Billie Jean King
Ilie Nastase
Martina Navratilova
King won Wimbledon 6 times during the 1960s and 70s
3 .
What is the title of Katie Price's 2004 autobiography?
Being Famous
Being Jordan
Being Me
Being There
Katie Price is the real name of Jordan the glamour model
4 .
Thora Hird's 2003 autobiography borrowed its title from which song from the musical South Pacific?
A Cockeyed Optimist
Happy Talk
Nothing Like a Dame
Younger Than Springtime
This was the second of Thora's autobiographies. The first, Scene and Hird was written in 1976
5 .
What is the title of Mark Twain's 1883 autobiography describing his experiences as a steamboat pilot?
Life on the Bridge
Life on the Deck
Life on the Mississippi
Life on the River
This is thought to be the first book written using a typewriter
6 .
What is the title of the 1990 autobiography of comedian Terry-Thomas?
Terry-Thomas Tells All
Terry-Thomas Tells Everything
Terry-Thomas Tells Stories
Terry-Thomas Tells Tales
The book was not published until after his death
7 .
Which British actor wrote the 1997 autobiography My Name Escapes Me?
Sean Connery
Alec Guinness
Richard Harris
Peter O'Toole
The subtitle is The Diary of a Retiring Actor
8 .
Who wrote the 1985 autobiography Just Williams?
Andy Williams
Charlie Williams
Kenneth Williams
Rowan Williams
Kenneth wrote 5 other books - Acid Drops, Back Drops, I Only Have To Close My Eyes, The Kenneth Williams Diaries and The Kenneth Williams Letters
9 .
Which Hollywood star wrote the 1995 autobiography In the Arena?
Tony Curtis
Kirk Douglas
Charlton Heston
Rod Steiger
Heston wrote 6 other books including The Courage to be Free and To Be a Man: Letters to My Grandson
10 .
What is the title of comedy actress Liz Smith's 2006 autobiography?
Our Bet
Our Betty
Our Liz
Our Lizzy
She has also written a series of short stories called Jottings: Flights of Fancy


Author:  Tony Rennick

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