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Fictional Characters 1
Sebastian Flyte has a teddy bear named Aloysius.

Fictional Characters 1

Characters are important parts of drama. We come to understand them through their words, their deeds, their mannerisms, and even – at least in some books – through hearing their thoughts. We also see them behaving in different ways when talking to different people, revealing more of their motives and their personalities. What a character says and what they think may not be the same thing!

Using the plethora of fictional characters who appear in novels, we have selected questions to test your overall knowledge of fiction. You will find contributions from modern authors like Ian Rankin, alongside works by earlier writers such as Shakespeare and Dickens. We also have questions on all the main genres, from horror and sci-fi to romance and mystery. There are a total of four quizzes in the series, so why not try them all out to see how much you know about fictional characters?

1 .
What is the name of the CID officer created by Leslie Thomas?
Dangerous Davies
Homicidal Hopkins
Powerful Peters
Ruthless Roberts
Peter Davison played him in the 2003 TV series
2 .
What is the name of the detective created by American writer Rex Stout?
Nero Crabbe
Nero Foxxe
Nero Rabbitt
Nero Wolfe
Wolfe first appeared in Fer-de-Lance in 1934
3 .
In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, what is the profession of the father of Tom's sweetheart, Becky Thatcher?
Riverboat captain
Tom lies for Becky and takes a whipping for damaging the teacher's book, which Becky had ripped
4 .
What is the first name of Dr No in the Ian Fleming novel?
In 1962 Dr No became the first of the James Bond novels to be made into a film
5 .
What is the name of Mr Wickfield's slimy clerk in the Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield?
Uriah Heep
Uriah Hoop
Uriah Hope
Uriah Hype
Heep is notable for his sickening humility, insincerity and frequent reference to his own "'humbleness". His name has become synonymous with being sycophantic
6 .
Who is the second son of Lord Marchmont in the Evelyn Waugh novel Brideshead Revisited?
Sebastian Flett
Sebastian Flitt
Sebastian Flute
Sebastian Flyte
Sebastian has a teddy bear, Aloysius
7 .
What is the name of the squire in Treasure Island?
Squire Tregorran
Squire Trelawney
Squire Trescothick
Squire Trevelyan
It's the squire who plans the expedition to the island
8 .
Who is the most imaginative of the Walker children in Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons?
Titty is the third-oldest of the Walker children and Able Seaman of the Swallow
9 .
In J. M. Barrie's play Peter Pan, who is Captain Hook's bosun?
Smee also appears in Barrie's novel, Peter and Wendy
10 .
What is the name of the fifteen-year-old protagonist in the Anthony Burgess novel A Clockwork Orange?
He was played by Malcolm McDowell in the 1971 film adaptation


Author:  Tony Rennick

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