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Author - H G Wells
H G Wells in 1918 at the age of 52.

Author - H G Wells

Herbert George Wells was born in Bromley, Kent in 1866. He had an unsuccessful academic career and then worked as an apprentice draper before returning to school to complete his education. He worked as a teacher until his literary career began with the publication of The Time Machine in 1895.

Over the next 50 years Wells wrote a further 50 novels, which earned him the title “father of science fiction”, his most famous works being The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, and The War of the Worlds. Not all of Wells’ books were science fiction though. He also wrote copious amount about history, politics, and social commentary, being a vocal supporter of socialism and pacifism. He died in 1946 at the age of 79.

Are you an authority on H.G. Wells or do you admit to knowing nothing of him? Let's see!

1 .
The protagonist of Wells's 1895 novel The Time Machine lives in which city?
New York
The protagonist is an English scientist and gentleman inventor whose name is never mentioned. He is only referred to as "the Time Traveller"
2 .
Which 1897 novella features a scientist called Griffin?
The First Men in the Moon
The Invisible Man
The Man Who Could Work Miracles
Under the Knife
It tells the tragic story of a scientist who makes himself invisible but is unable to become visible again
3 .
What were Wells's Christian names?
Harold George
Harold Gilbert
Herbert George
Herbert Gilbert
His father was Joseph Wells who played professional cricket for Kent CCC
4 .
Wells's 1905 novel Kipps was based on his experiences as an apprentice what?
Draper's assistant
This was a social novel rather than a work of science fiction and it was Wells' personal favourite
5 .
In Wells's 1896 novel The Island of Dr Moreau, what is the name of the evil doctor's assistant?
Val Kilmer played the part in the 1996 film version
6 .
Inspired by The War of the Worlds, a statue depicting an alien was unveiled in 1998 in which town?
According to the novel, Woking is where the aliens landed
7 .
What was the name of the title character in Wells's 1910 comic novel?
Mr Brolly
Mr Dolly
Mr Jolly
Mr Polly
Mr Polly bears some similarity to Wells. Both ended their formal education at the age of fourteen and become employed in draperies
8 .
In The War of the Worlds, Earth is invaded by aliens from where?
The moon
The book has been interpreted in many ways, from a description of natural selection to an attack on British Imperialism
9 .
In 1914 Wells had an illegitimate son, by which feminist writer?
Vanessa Bell
Vita Sackville-West
Rebecca West
Virginia Woolf
West is also said to have had affairs with Charlie Chaplin and Lord Beaverbrook
10 .
What is the title of Well's 1897 short story about a man who finds a window into the planet Mars?
The Crystal Egg
The Magic Crystal
The Martian Crystal
The Martian Egg
The man, Mr Cave, is an unhappy antique dealer. Then one dayl he finds the egg in which he can see a wonderful landscape


Author:  Tony Rennick

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