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Author - Enid Blyton
Much of Enid Blyton's work has inspired toys, games and jigsaws.

Author - Enid Blyton

Enid Mary Blyton was born in East Dulwich in 1897. She was a gifted child and learned to play the piano at a young age. She also enjoyed writing. After finishing her education Enid became a teacher, though she continued to write in her spare time. In 1922 her first book was published, Child Whispers, a compilation of poems she had written for children.

Over the next 46 years Enid Blyton wrote over 750 books. Her most famous creations being The Famous Five, The Secret Seven and Noddy. Her works have been greatly criticised. Some see them as racist, sexist and elitist. It must be remembered, however, that Enid Blyton was from a particular era and the values of the time were much different than they are today. Despite all of this Enid Blyton is without doubt the most successful children’s author of the 20th Century.

Test your knowledge of Enid Blyton in this fun quiz about her life and her works.

1 .
What colour are the mudguards on Noddy's car?
The bodywork and the hubcaps are yellow
2 .
What is the name of the Famous Five's dog, the group's unofficial mascot?
Timmy belongs to the tomboy George. The other three members of the Famous Five are the siblings Julian, Dick and Anne
3 .
Which of the Secret Seven was Peter's sister?
The Secret Seven also had a dog, Scamper
4 .
What is the name of the circus owner who appears in the Circus series?
Mr Galapagos
Mr Galliano
Mr Galvano
Mr Galvini
There were five books in the series, published between 1938 and 1952
5 .
Blyton's father, Thomas Carey Blyton, was a salesman of what?
Vacuum cleaners
Thomas was a cutlery salesman at first, then he sold Yorkshire cloth before setting up his own business selling clothes
6 .
What is the name of the naughty monkey in the Noddy stories?
Martha Monkey is a modern replacement for the books' original character, Gilbert Golly
7 .
Which UK newspaper claimed in 1966 that Blyton wrote more insidiously dangerous right-wing literature than that published by British fascist groups?
The Daily Express
The Daily Mail
The Guardian
The Times
The article criticises Blyton's The Little Black Doll in which a black doll called Sambo is hated by his owner and the other toys. His face is washed clean by rain and then he is welcomed back with his new, pink face
8 .
What was the title of the Enid Blyton parody broadcast in 1982 as the first in the Comic Strip Presents series?
Five Go Mad in Derbyshire
Five Go Mad in Devon
Five Go Mad in Dorset
Five Go Mad in Durham
The satire exaggerated certain aspects of the original Famous Five, for example their taste for outdoor picnics
9 .
What is the name of the boarding school in the books featuring Pat and Isabel O'Sullivan?
St Catherine's
St Celia's
St Cicely's
St Clare's
There were a total of six books in the St Clare's series, published between 1941 and 1945
10 .
Blyton wrote three books about what strange piece of furniture?
The Enchanted Wardrobe
The Magic Stool
The Time-travelling Table
The Wishing Chair
Adventures of the Wishing-Chair, published in 1937, was her first full-length book


Author:  Tony Rennick

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