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Writing - Spanish to English (1)
'Michael is a dinosaur.' Will you find the Spanish version of that sentence in this writing quiz?

Writing - Spanish to English (1)

In this Spanish Medium Review quiz you will have the opportunity to write out sentences from Spanish to English. In fact, this quiz, and the one to follow, i.e., Writing: Spanish to English (2) are the sister quizzes of the Spanish Medium Review quizzes titled Writing: English to Spanish (1) and Writing: English to Spanish (2). In other words, you will be required to WRITE out your answers. However, the difference with these next two quizzes is that instead of being given a sentence in English and then having to translate it to Spanish, here you will be given a sentence is Spanish and you will have to write out the sentence into English and then see if you can find the English translation among the answers given.

1 .
Señora Wilson encontró la tiza.
Miss Wilson controlled the light.
Mrs. Wilson found the taxi.
Mrs. Wilson encountered the taser.
Mrs. Wilson found the chalk.
The first thing to note is that Señora is Spanish for Mrs. The first answer has improperly used Miss. The verb used is a past tense verb and each answer has shown the past tense form of a verb. Encontró is Spanish for she found. The third answer shows the verb for she encountered. It, too, can now be eliminated. Finally, tiza is Spanish for chalk and not taxi which eliminates the second answer. The proper translation is: Mrs. Wilson found the chalk.
2 .
El sacerdote eligió el himno.
The priest chose the hymn.
The priest elected the hymn.
The priest eliminated the hymn.
The priest echoed the hymn.
Each answer has correctly translated 'El sacerdote' as 'the priest' and 'el himno' as 'the hymn'. Next you need to determine which pronoun can replace the priest. That would be he. Now all that is left is the verb which is a past tense verb. The verb eligió is Spanish for he chose. Therefore, the correct translation is: The priest chose the hymn.
3 .
Él ve las cebras.
He sees the crabs.
He sees the couches.
He sees the zebras.
He sees the braces.
Each sentence has correctly translated 'He sees the'. The Spanish word cebras means zebras and the correct translation is: He sees the zebras.
4 .
Mi amigo me compró un nuevo mantel.
My friend bought me a new mantel.
My friend bought me a new tablecloth.
My friend bought me a new cloak.
My friend bought me a new purse.
Each sentence has correctly translated 'My friend bought me a new'. The Spanish word mantel means tablecloth. Therefore, the correct translation is: My friend bought me a new tablecloth.
5 .
Ellos fueron a patio de recreo.
He went to a recreation patio.
They furnish recreation furniture.
They went to the playground.
We followed a pathway.
The first thing to do is to look at the pronoun ellos. It is Spanish for they. This then means that the first and last answers can be eliminated. The Spanish verb fueron means went. Now the second answer can be eliminated. The correct translation is then: They went to the playground.
6 .
Él escribió en la pizarra.
He scribbled on the paper.
He went to the plaza.
He ate the pizza.
He wrote on the blackboard.
Each answer correctly translated él as he and that is as far as they go. Escribió is the Spanish past tense verb that means he wrote. Therefore, the correct translation is: He wrote on the blackboard.
7 .
Tengo un balón de playa.
I have a beach ball.
I have a play pin.
I have a silver balloon.
I have a bumpy pillow.
Each answer has correctly translated 'Tengo un' as 'I have a'. The Spanish words 'balón de playa' means 'beach ball'. Therefore, the correct translation is: I have a beach ball.
8 .
Miguel es de Dinamarca.
Michael is a dinosaur.
Michael is from Denmark.
Michael is Danish.
Michael is from Detroit.
Each answer has correctly translated 'Miguel es' as 'Michael is'. 'De' is Spanish for 'from' which means that the first and third answers can be eliminated. Dinamarca is Spanish for Denmark and the proper translation is: Michael is from Denmark.
9 .
Ella comió una zanahoria.
She ate a mushroom.
She ate a cucumber.
She ate a carrot.
She ate a pumpkin.
Each answer has correctly translated 'ella comió una' as 'she ate a'. The word zanahoria is Spanish for carrot. Therefore, the proper translation is: She ate a carrot.
10 .
Madre ama la primavera.
Mother loves the picture.
Mother loves parmesan.
Mother loves spaghetti.
Mother loves the spring.
Each answer has correctly translated 'Madre ama' as 'Mother loves'. The word primavera is Spanish for spring which means that the correct translation is: Mother loves the spring.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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