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Grammar - Conjugating AR Verbs - Present Tense (2)
'I cook.' How would we say that in Spanish? Find out in this quiz on conjugating verbs.

Grammar - Conjugating AR Verbs - Present Tense (2)

This Spanish Easy Review grammar quiz takes a further look at conjugating AR verbs in the present tense. Because learning how Spanish verbs are conjugated can take some time to really understand and become comfortable with, this quiz will be a sister quiz to the Spanish Easy Review quiz titled Conjugating AR Verbs - Present Tense (1). Remember that conjugating a verb means that you break the verb down in parts to form the correct verb spelling that goes along with the correct pronoun (I, you, he, she, we, they).

1 .
we call (includes males and females)
ellos llaman
nosotros llamamos
vosotras llamáis
ustedes llaman
Remember to pay close attention to the pronoun. Here the pronoun is 'we' and that includes both males and females. This means you need to look for the masculine pronoun which means you can eliminate the third answer. The masculine Spanish pronoun for 'we' is 'nosotros'. This means that the second answer contains the correct pronoun, as well as the correct conjugated form of the verb 'we call'.
2 .
I cook
tú cocinas
yo cocino
ella cocina
usted cocina
The first thing is to determine the correct Spanish pronoun for 'I'. Tú is singular 'you' familiar while usted is singular 'you' formal. Ella is the Spanish pronoun for she. This means that the first, third and last answers are all incorrect. The second answer however has the correct pronoun and present tense form for the verb 'I cook'.
3 .
they swim (girls)
ellos nadan
ustedes nadan
nosotras nadamos
ellas nadan
The first step is to determine the correct pronoun. The Spanish pronoun for 'they' when they are all girls (feminine) is ellas. This means you can eliminate the first, second and third answers. The last answer shows the correct pronoun and present tense of the verb 'they swim'.
4 .
he works
usted trabaja
tú trabajas
ellos trabajan
él trabaja
The first thing to look at is the pronoun. The word 'he' is the pronoun and 'he' in Spanish is él. This tells us that the first, second and third answers are all incorrect which leaves the last answer. The last answer shows the correct pronoun and the correct conjugated present tense form of the verb for 'he works'.
5 .
you take (sons and daughters)
vosotros tomáis
nosotras tomamos
ustedes toman
ellos toman
First determine which pronoun should be used. Here we have the pronoun 'you' and 'you' refers to sons and daughters. This tells you that the pronoun will be plural and sons and daughters are familiar so we need the plural, familiar form of the pronoun 'you'. The plural, familiar Spanish pronoun for 'you' is 'vosotros' and since we have a mixture of boys and girls, the masculine form of the pronoun is used. The first answer shows the correct pronoun and present tense form of the verb 'you take'.
6 .
she prays
ellas oran
ella ora
él ora
usted ora
First determine what the pronoun should be. The Spanish pronoun for 'she' is ella. This means that the first, third and last answers are each incorrect. The second answer shows the correct pronoun, as well as the correct present tense of the verb 'she prays'.
7 .
you win (politicians)
ellos ganan
vosotros ganáis
ustedes ganan
nosotros ganamos
The first thing to look at is the pronoun. The Spanish pronoun for 'you' when it refers to a group of politicians would be, first plural and second, formal as opposed to familiar. The plural, formal version of 'you' is ustedes. This means that the first, second and last answers are not correct. The third answer on the other hand has the correct pronoun and present tense form of the verb 'you win'.
8 .
they finish (boys)
ellas acaban
ella acaba
él acaba
ellos acaban
The first step is to determine the correct pronoun. The Spanish pronoun for 'they' when they are all boys (masculine) is ellos. This means you can eliminate the first, second and third answers. The last answer shows the correct pronoun and present tense of the verb 'they finish'.
9 .
you walk (brother)
usted camina
él camina
tú caminas
ella camina
The first thing to do is to check out the pronoun. The pronoun for 'you' when 'you' is a brother means that the person is a familiar person. The Spanish pronoun for a familiar 'you' person is tú. This means that the first, second and last answers are each incorrect leaving the third answer which does show the correct pronoun and present tense form of the verb 'you walk'.
10 .
I cut
ella corta
usted corta
yo corto
él corta
The quickest way to find the answer is to determine the right pronoun. The Spanish pronoun for 'I' is yo. Now you can quickly eliminate the first, second and last answers. The third answer shows the correct pronoun and present tense form of the verb 'I cut'.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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