This Spanish Difficult Review quiz is the second of four quizzes designed to randomly test your memory on Spanish vocabulary. It continues on with the same process that was used in the Spanish Difficult Review quiz titled Vocabulary: A Smorgasbord of Words! (Part 1). If you have not already taken that quiz please do so now as its introduction will explain the process and the quiz section will help you to understand what the quizzes in this series are all about.
Again, as you are dealing with a smorgasbord of words, each quiz problem below can be about something totally related or unrelated to the other quiz problems. The entire purpose of this series of smorgasbord quizzes is to help you to think about all of the Spanish words you have learned to date. They will also help you when it comes time to start doing the writing quizzes. You have an extremely large bank of Spanish vocabulary so it is time to put that bank of words to use. What that means is that it is time to jump in and see just how well you can remember Spanish!