In this Spanish Difficult Review picture quiz you will get the chance to play a game of travel bingo! 'Are we there yet?' 'How much longer?' 'I’m bored.' 'I have to go to the bathroom.' 'Are we there yet?' This is a typical round of questions and statements that is heard by parents the world over when going on a car ride or trip with children in the back seat. It all seems fine the first half dozen times but after that, it gets to be very, very annoying. Unhappy parents make for an unhappy trip and the way to make and keep the parents happy is to keep the children entertained.
Nowadays we have computers, tablets and cellphones that make the task of keeping children entertained on along car rides a rather easy chore but just a decade ago, or a little longer, a lot of thought and preparation had to take place before venturing forth on a long car trip. Well they were at least very long to young children!