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Grammar - Verbs Marathon!
'The water will freeze if the temperature continues to fall.' How would you say 'will freeze' and 'to fall' if you were speaking Spanish?

Grammar - Verbs Marathon!

This Spanish Difficult Review quiz is the second of four athletic verb quizzes. That means we’re about to run a marathon! This athletic series has been created to give you more practice in learning how to conjugate verbs properly in each tense, i.e., the past, present and future tenses.

In the first quiz titled Grammar: Verbs 2K Run! you were presented with short sentences. Those sentences were given in English and you had to then find the proper English translation of the capitalized Spanish base verb form. Here you will be doing a little more – you will be given ten sentences in English with each sentence containing 2 capitalized verbs in English. Your challenge will be to find the correct Spanish translations for both verbs. Remember, you will need to focus on the correct tense and pronoun forms. So, if you feel up to this Marathon challenge – then you may now begin the quiz!

1 .
Mother LOVES to go shopping but father HATES to go.
amó, odiará
amo, odió
amé, odio
ama, odia
In this sentence, both capitalized verbs are in the present tense. Next you need to determine the two pronoun forms needed. The pronoun that will replace mother is ella or she and the pronoun that will replace father is él or he. The Spanish verb for love is amar and the Spanish verb for hate is odiar. The first answer reads: she loved and he will hate. Both contain the wrong verb tense. The second answer reads: I love and he hated. The first contains the correct tense but the wrong pronoun form. The second contains the wrong tense. The third answer reads: I loved and I hate. The first contains the wrong tense and wrong pronoun form while the second contains the wrong pronoun form. The last answer reads: she loves and he hates.
2 .
They will KILL the bugs and we will HELP clean up the mess.
mataron, ayudamos
matan, ayudemos
matarán, ayudaremos
matasteis, ayudaramos
In this sentence, as the word 'will' appears twice, both capitalized verbs are in the future tense. The two pronouns are given, i.e., they and we. The Spanish verb for kill is matar and the Spanish verb for help is ayudar. The first answer reads: they killed and we help. Both contain the wrong verb tense. The second answer reads: they kill and ayudemos is not a proper verb/word. The last answer reads: you (plural familiar) killed and ayudaramos is not a proper verb/word. The third answer reads: they will kill and we will help.
3 .
My grandfather SWAM across the lake while my grandmother WATCHED.
nado, miro
nadará, mirará
nadar, mirar
nadó, miró
In this sentence, both capitalized verbs are in the past tense. Next you need to determine the two pronoun forms needed. The pronoun that will replace grandfather is él or he and the pronoun that will replace grandmother is ella or she. The Spanish verb for swim is nadar and the Spanish verb for watch is mirar. The first answer reads: I swim and I watch. Both contain the wrong verb tense, as well as the wrong pronoun form. The second answer reads: he will swim and she will watch. Both contain the wrong verb tense. The third answer shows both verbs in their base form. They need to be conjugated so they are not correct. The last answer reads: he swam and she watched.
4 .
The farmer will HARVEST his crops in October but they ARE not ready yet.
cosecha, está
cosechará, están
cosechará, son
cosechó, serán
In this sentence, as the word 'will' appears before the first verb so we know it must be a future tense verb. The second verb does not indicate past or future so it is a present tense verb. Next you need to determine the pronoun that can replace the farmer and that would be él or he. The second pronoun has been provided, i.e., they. The Spanish verb for harvest is cosechar. The second verb is a 'to be' verb. Spanish as two 'to be' verbs. One is for temporary condition and one is for permanent. Since the crops are not ready yet, it is a temporary condition. The temporary Spanish 'to be' verb is estar. You can now eliminate the third and last answers. The first answer reads: he harvests and he/she/you (singular formal)/it is. The first verb contains the wrong verb tense and the second contains the wrong pronoun form. The second answer reads: he will harvest and they are.
5 .
They DRILLED into the rock until it BROKE.
taladraron, rompió
taladran, romperá
taladrarán, romperá
taladras, rompieron
In this sentence, both capitalized verbs are in the past tense. The pronouns are given, i.e., they and the indirect pronoun for 'it'. The second answer reads: they drill and it will break. Again, both verbs are in the wrong tense. The last answer reads: you [singular familiar] drill and they broke. The first verb is in the wrong tense and contains the wrong pronoun form. The second verb contains the wrong pronoun form. The first answer reads: they drilled and it broke.
6 .
Ann LISTENS to the rules but her brother HEARD nothing.
escucho, oye
escucha, oyó
escuchó, oirá
escuchará, oían
In this sentence, the first verb is in the present tense (indicated by the ending letter of 's') while the second verb is in the past tense (indicated by the ending letter of 'd'). Next you need to determine the pronoun that can replace Ann and that would be ella or she, while él or he can replace her brother. The first answer reads: I listen and he hears. The first contains the wrong pronoun form while the second contains the wrong verb tense. The third answer reads: she listened and he will hear. They both contain the wrong verb tense. The last answer reads: she will listen and they/ you [formal plural] heard. The first contains the wrong verb tense and the second contains the wrong pronoun form. The second answer reads: she listens and he heard.
7 .
The water will FREEZE if the temperature continues to FALL.
congela, cae
congelaré, cayó
congelará, caer
congelan, caerá
In this sentence the word 'will' appears before the first verb so it is a future tense verb. The second verb has the word 'to' before it. Whenever the word 'to' comes before a verb, that verb remains in its base form. The base form of the verb fall is caer. The first, second and last answers show conjugated forms of this verb so they are each incorrect. The Spanish verb for freeze is congelar and the future tense form of that verb with the pronoun for 'it' (replacing the water) is congelará.
8 .
The fire BURNS while the smoke FILLS the sky.
arder, llenar
ardí, llenará
ardió, llenó
arde, llena
In this sentence, both capitalized verbs are in the present tense. Next you need to determine the two pronoun forms needed. The pronoun that will replace the fire is the indirect pronoun of 'it' and the pronoun that will replace the smoke is also the indirect pronoun of 'it'. The Spanish verb for burn is arder and the Spanish verb for fill is llenar. The first answer shows both verbs in their base form which is not correct as they both need to be conjugated in this sentence. The second answer reads: I burned and it will fill. The first verb contains the incorrect verb tense and the wrong pronoun form while the second verb contains the wrong verb tense. The third answer reads: it burned and it filled. They are both the wrong verb tense. The last answer reads: it burns and it fills.
9 .
I will HUNT if the deer will COME.
cazaré, vendrá
cazo, vino
cacé, viene
cazó, vengo
In this sentence, as the word 'will' appears twice, both underlined verbs are in the future tense. The first pronoun is given, i.e., I. Next you need to determine the pronoun that can replace the deer. That would be the indirect pronoun of 'it'. The Spanish verb for hunt is cazar and the Spanish verb for come is venir. Venir is an irregular verb in each tense so you need to pay close attention to it. The second answer reads: I hunt and it came. Both are in the wrong verb tense. The third answer reads: I hunted and it comes. Again, both are in the wrong verb tense. The last answer reads: It hunted and I come. They are both in the wrong verb tense and contain the wrong pronoun forms. The first answer reads: I will hunt and it will come.
10 .
She AGREES to all of the demands they GAVE.
coincidió, daré
coincide, dieron
coincidirá, dan
coincidieron, dieron
In this sentence, the first verb is in the present tense (indicated by the ending letter of 's') while the second verb is in the past tense. Both pronouns have been provided. The first answer reads: she agreed and I will give. Both are in the wrong verb tense and the second verb is in the wrong pronoun form. The third answer reads: she will agree and they/you [plural formal] give. Both are in the wrong verb tense. The last answer reads: they agreed and they gave. The first verb is in the wrong verb tense and contains the wrong pronoun form. The second verb is correct. The second answer reads: she agrees and they gave.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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