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Grammar - Conjugating Ser and Estar in the Future Tense
Whatever will be, will be. But how would you say 'will be' if you were speaking Spanish?

Grammar - Conjugating Ser and Estar in the Future Tense

In this Spanish Difficult Review quiz you will be revisiting the two Spanish verbs that mean 'to be', i.e., ser and estar. The reason that Spanish has two different 'to be' verbs is that one is for permanent conditions while the other is for temporary conditions. They are conditional verbs. You learned how to conjugate each of these verbs in the present, as well as in the past. Now it is time to see how they are conjugated in the future.

Again, the Spanish 'to be' verbs are based upon a thing’s condition. To learn more about what things are considered to be permanent versus what things are to be considered temporary, please look back on the Spanish Easy Review quiz titled Grammar: Ser versus Estar! and the Spanish Medium Review quiz titled Grammar: Conjugating Ser and Estar in the Past Tense. Both of these past quizzes will give you detailed information on how to determine when to use each of the 'to be' verb forms.

1 .
La torta SER/ESTAR chocolate.
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: The cake will be chocolate. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? As the cake cannot change its flavor, it is a permanent condition. Therefore, ser needs to be used. The second and last answers can now be eliminated. Now you need to determine the pronoun for cake. As cake is an indefinite object, you are looking for an indirect pronoun which is 'it'. The last answer reads: they will be. That is not the proper pronoun verb form. The third answer reads: it will be. It is the correct answer.
2 .
Yo SER/ESTAR a la casa para la cena.
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: I will be home for dinner. It can also be said as: I’ll be home for dinner. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? As a geographical place is being named, i.e., home, the verb estar needs to be used. The first and last answers can now be eliminated. The pronoun 'I' has been given. The third answer reads: he/she/you [singular formal] will be. That is not the proper pronoun verb form. The second answer reads: I will be. It is the correct answer.
3 .
Mis hermanos SER/ESTAR los primeros en llegar.
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: My brothers will be first to arrive. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? It is a permanent condition which means the verb ser needs to be used. The second answer can now be eliminated. Next you need to determine the pronoun that can replace my brothers. That would be they or ellos. The first answer reads: you [plural familiar] will be. That is not the proper verb pronoun form. The third answer reads: we will be. That is also not the proper pronoun verb form. The last answer reads: they will be. It is the correct answer.
4 .
SER/ESTAR a tiempo a clase. (plural familiar)
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: You will be on time to class. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? When you are talking about time, the verb ser needs to be used. The second and last answers can now be eliminated. The pronoun has been provided, 'you' [plural familiar]. The third answer reads: you [singular formal] will be. That is not the proper pronoun verb form. The first answer reads: you [plural familiar] will be. It is the correct answer.
5 .
Mi familia y yo SER/ESTAR en París.
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: My family and I will be in Paris. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? As a geographical place is being name, i.e., Paris, the verb estar needs to be used. The first and second answers can now be eliminated. Next you need to determine which pronoun can replace my family and I. As 'I' is included, the pronoun will be 'we'. The first and third answers are not proper verb forms. That leaves the last answer which reads: we will be. It is the correct answer.
6 .
Lo SER/ESTAR lloviendo por la mañana.
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: It will be raining in the morning. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? As the sentence is talking about a weather condition, weather changes making it a temporary condition. Therefore, the verb estar needs to be used. The first and last answers can now be eliminated. The indirect pronoun of 'it' has been provided. The second answer reads: you [singular familiar] will be. That is not the proper pronoun verb form needed here. The third answer reads: it will be. It is the correct answer.
7 .
SER/ESTAR feliz de saber que estoy aquí. (singular familiar)
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: You will be happy to know that I am here. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? You might first think that to be happy is a feeling so it will be a temporary condition. However, in this case, the feel of joy and happiness will be a permanent condition when the person arrives so the verb ser needs to be used. The second and third answers can now be eliminated. The pronoun 'you' [singular familiar] has been provided. The last answer shows the present tense form of the verb and reads: you are. It is not the correct tense. The first answer reads: you [singular familiar] will be. It is the correct answer.
8 .
Mis amigos SER/ESTAR en el cine.
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: My friends will be at the movies. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? As the sentence is referring to a geographical location, it is a temporary condition and the verb estar needs to be used. The first and third answers can now be eliminated. Next you need to determine the pronoun that can replace my friends. That would be they or ellos. The last answer reads: I will be. That is not the proper verb pronoun form. The second answer reads: they will be. It is the correct answer.
9 .
En treinta años nosotros SER/ESTAR viejos.
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: In thirty years we will be old. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? As time is being used, the verb ser needs to be used. The second and third answers can now be eliminated. The pronoun has been provided as nosotros means we. The first answer is a present tense verb form that reads: we are. It is the wrong tense. The last answer reads: we will be. It is the correct answer.
10 .
Yo SER/ESTAR triste ver que vaya.
The first thing to do is to translate the sentence into English using the future tense of the 'to be' verb. It will then read as: I will be sad to see you go. Is that a temporary condition or a permanent condition? You might first think that to be sad is a feeling so it will be a temporary condition. However, in this case, the feeling of sadness will be a permanent condition when the person leaves so the verb ser needs to be used. The first and second answers can now be eliminated. The pronoun 'I' has been provided. The last answer reads: he/she/you [singular formal] will be. It is not the proper pronoun verb form needed here. The third answer reads: I will be and is the correct answer.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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