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World War One Aftermath: League Of Nations - Aims, Structure And Methods
The League of Nations was based in the Swiss city of Geneva.

World War One Aftermath: League Of Nations - Aims, Structure And Methods

This World History quiz is called 'World War One Aftermath: League Of Nations - Aims, Structure And Methods' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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President Woodrow Wilson of the United States was determined to set up an international organization whose aim was to ensure world peace by any method, after the horrors of the Great War. He insisted that a clause requiring adherence to the League of Nations should be part of every peace treaty signed by all victorious states.

1 .
Nansen, a distinguished Norwegian explorer and statesman, controlled which specific League of Nations commission?
Trafficking women
The League enjoyed the services of public-spirited people, who were concerned with serious issues - as well as war - which threatened international order
2 .
One part of the organization looked after the interests of the former colonies of defeated states. What was this body called?
Colonies Commission
Mandates Commission
Colonial Commission
Imperial Commission
All states defeated in the Great War lost their colonies, which were allotted to several of the victorious states. However, they had to submit annual reports to this body to describe the progress that was being made towards eventual independence
3 .
What document set out the aims of the League from the beginning?
The Charter
The Covenant
The Constitution
The Convention
This was an early document setting out ideas for the purpose and structure of the new body
4 .
An agency of the League was set up to adjudicate legally on disputes referred to it. What was its name?
The International Court
The International Legal Commission
The Permanent Court of International Justice
The International Relations Court
The League's founders believed that a high-powered international court could reach fair decisions on disputes between member states and so reduce the risk of armed conflict
5 .
What name was given to the relatively small group of member states who could authorize action on the League's behalf?
The Commission
The Council
The Directorate
The Committee
This body had permanent and non-permanent members (states who rotated as members)
6 .
What name was given to the forum where all League members were entitled to gather to discuss issues in Geneva?
The General Assembly
The Plenum
The Governing Body
The General Meeting
This body was to hold a representative of all members. However, there was a much smaller group, which had greater decision-making powers
7 .
What was the job title of the international civil servant in charge of the League's Secretariat in Geneva?
General Secretary
The League had a permanent administration based in Geneva, to oversee its work, including the operations of the various commissions tasked with specific topics
8 .
Which off-shoot of the League was responsible for monitoring employment issues?
The International Labor Organisation
The International Labor Commission
The International Trade Union Commission
The Labor Standards Agency
The founders of the League believed that poor labor practices contributed to instability within and between states - hence the founding of this body
9 .
Which of the following states was initially excluded from League membership for poor previous behavior?
The Soviet Union
The League's founding fathers believed that League membership was not an automatic right extended to all states, but something that had to be earned
10 .
Which state's proposal for an international army received little support from other League members?
There was provision for military action by members in extreme cases of aggression, but this would depend on members providing military forces at the time. If the League had its own forces, it would be able to react more quickly and effectively
Author:  Edward Towne

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