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Germany: 1933-1945 - Nazi Control Of Germany Established, 1933-1935
The Nazis constructed super-highways across the length and breadth of Germany.

Germany: 1933-1945 - Nazi Control Of Germany Established, 1933-1935

This World History quiz is called 'Germany: 1933-1945 - Nazi Control Of Germany Established, 1933-1935' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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The Nazis moved rapidly to establish totalitarian control over Germany following Hitler's appointment as Chancellor in January 1933. This meant that, before long, the Nazis began to exercise control over every aspect of German life.

How did the Nazis come to establish totalitarian control of Germany? Find out in this quiz.

1 .
What name was given to the 1933 agreement between Hitler and the Vatican, which outlined the role of the Roman Catholic Church under a Nazi state?
Papal Bull
Papal Treaty
Nearly half of all Germans claimed to be Catholics - especially along the Rhine, and in Bavaria in the south. Hitler wanted to eliminate possible opposition from the Catholic Church, and Rome wanted to protect its members from possible persecution
2 .
In June 1934 Hitler used his SS bodyguard to liquidate the leadership of the SA in the "Night of the Long Knives". Who was the leader of the SA who perished in this massacre?
Ernst Rohm
Horst Wessel
Gregor Strasser
Otto Streicher
By 1934 the bloated SA had become a monster out of control, and was no longer required to terrorize anti-Nazi opposition. There was pressure from both the SS and the army to eliminate the SA hierarchy, who took the "socialist" side of the NSDAP rather too seriously
3 .
Hitler split the German Protestant Church: half of it became a state church, and half of it an independent body ("bekennende Kirche"). What name is usually given in English to this breakaway entity, which was lead by Pastor Martin Niemoller?
Lutheran Church
Reformed Church
Confessing or Confessional Church
Independent Protestant Church
Half of Germans were Protestants, concentrated mainly in the north and east. Unlike the Catholics they were not influenced by any outside body
4 .
The Nazis constructed a network of super-highways across Germany: partly to absorb unemployment, and partly to give German armored columns rapid access to the frontiers in the event of war. What name was given to such roads?
Some of the original surfaces still exist on sections of these roads. They consisted of concrete blocks joined together
5 .
In 1935 the Nazis introduced racial laws, one of which forbade marriage or sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews. Where were these new laws first announced?
The Nazis had long campaigned against the Jews, of whom there were roughly half a million in Germany
6 .
In August 1934 President Hindenburg died. How did Hitler deal thereafter with the office of President?
The office was abolished, and the Hohenzollern monarchy was restored
The office was merged with that of Chancellor
New elections were held according to the Weimar Constitution to choose a new President
Hitler appointed a figurehead President from among his Nazi cronies
The Weimar Constitution provided for an elected President, while monarchists hoped that the family of the Kaiser could provide a head of state. Hitler's colleagues hoped for some reward
7 .
Which composer's work was showcased every year at the Bayreuth Festival, which Hitler attended annually?
Richard Strauss
Richard Wagner
Anton Bruckner
Gustav Mahler
Hitler appreciated classical music, provided that the composer was not Jewish, and ideally could be identified as - in fact - anti-Semitic
8 .
After 1933 the Nazis built up strong party youth movements. What name was given to the main boys' organization?
Hitler Jugend
Nazi Jugend
NSDAP Jugend
Deutscher Jugend
A youth movement was important to the Nazis in order to carry the Nazi ideal on to the next generation
9 .
Which famous female film maker produced a notorious film in 1935 called "Triumph of the Will"?
Leni Riefenstahl
Eva Braun
Winifried Wagner
Alice von Rosenberg
For many years this film was hard to obtain, as it was regarded as too pro-Nazi
10 .
At a major Nazi rally in 1935 Hitler announced re-armament. Where did this event take place?
A major Nazi rally took place annually in September, when Hitler would announce his policy proposals for the forthcoming year
Author:  Edward Towne

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