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Germany: 1918-1939 - Weimar's Hard Years, 1918-1923
Hitler's failed rebellion of 1923 is known as the 'Beer Hall Putsch'.

Germany: 1918-1939 - Weimar's Hard Years, 1918-1923

This World History quiz is called 'Germany:  1918-1939 - Weimar's Hard Years, 1918-1923' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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The Weimar Republic replaced the Imperial government of Germany after the Great War. Germany's new government faced revolutions from left and right, and a peace treaty that seemed to them grossly unfair. However, Germany was in no position to argue, having been defeated in the Great War and finding herself without allies.

Learn more about the hard, early years of the Weimar Republic in this quiz.

1 .
At which international treaty, signed in 1922, did Germany make common cause with the other "bad boy" of Europe, namely the Soviet Union?
Brest Litovsk
The USSR was also an international pariah, embarking on a Communist revolution from 1917, and pulling out of the Great War. It was not surprising, therefore, that she should team up with the other outcast in 1922
2 .
One Adolf Hitler joined a tiny extreme right-wing political party in 1920. What was its name?
The National Socialist German Workers' Party
The National Socialist Party
The German Workers' Party
The Peoples' Party
Hitler joined a tiny extremist group, which violently opposed the Versailles Treaty
3 .
In which famous room of the Palace of Versailles was the eponymous treaty signed?
La Salle des Ambassadeurs
La Salle des Trones
The Hall of Mirrors
La Galerie Louis XV
Negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles dragged on from January to June 1919. A suitably grand venue was sought for the signing of the eventual treaty
4 .
What name is usually given to the rebellion launched in 1923 by Hitler and his allies in Munich?
The Bavarian Putsch
The Reichsputsch
The Beer Hall Putsch
The Burgerbraukeller Putsch
Hitler tried to seize power in 1923, but even then the German economy was starting to expand, and a more stable political environment was beginning to emerge
5 .
What happened to the German High Seas Fleet at the end of the war?
It was divided up among the victorious allies
It was handed over to the British at the Orkney Islands naval base of Scapa Flow, where it was scuttled
It was used for target practice by the French and British navies
It was held in German naval ports, where all of the warships were immobilized
Britain was adamant that Germany's large fleet could not be retained by the defeated power
6 .
What name was given to the payments which Germany was expected to make to those states which had suffered damage and loss during the Great War?
A special commission was set up to report by May 1921 on the right level of payments that Germany should have to make for all of the loss and damage sustained throughout the Great War
7 .
Which retired German general joined Hitler in an attempt to seize power in 1923?
Von Sperrle
Hitler needed respectable allies from the German military and political establishment. Who better, therefore, than a leader of the undefeated German army from 1914-18?
8 .
In 1919 German Communists launched a coup, in a bid to overthrow the Weimar Republic. One of the leaders of this bid for power was female. What was her name?
The "Red Duchess"
Countess Markevicz
Rosa Luxemburg
La Pasionaria
A small group of revolutionary Communists ("The Spartacus League") tried to take over the state by force, knowing that they would never achieve power in democratic elections
9 .
In which forest clearing did Germany sign an armistice at 11.00 a.m. on the 11th of November 1918?
Fearing a total breakdown of law and order at home and abandonment by their allies, the German military and political authorities signed a ceasefire with the Entente powers. They thus hoped for lenient terms after the expected negotiations towards an eventual peace treaty
10 .
Who lead the ill-fated right-wing "putsch" in 1920, which aimed to overthrow the elected Weimar government?
Most Germans did not support the coup and the newly-proclaimed state lasted only two days before a General Strike was called, which toppled it
Author:  Edward Towne

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