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Energy - Transfer of Energy
Expanded polystyrene is a good insulator against heat loss.

Energy - Transfer of Energy

This Physics quiz is called 'Energy - Transfer of Energy' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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Different forms of energy can be transformed from one form to another. Energy transfers play a major part in everyday life, for example every time we put the kettle on an energy transfer takes place. It is an essential part of a senior high school physics syllabus that you are able to understand what energy transfers take place in certain situations and how those transfers occur.

1 .
Which of the following statements best describes our understanding of how conduction of heat occurs?
Vibrating atoms interact with neighbor atoms transferring kinetic energy
Vaporization of a liquid occurring on the surface of the liquid
The particles heat independently of one another
The hot particles rise whilst the cooler particles fall towards the heat source
In a solid, the particles can only vibrate. In substances that conduct heat, the vibrations are passed from one particle to the next
2 .
Which material would be best to use as an insulator against heat loss?
Expanded polystyrene
Expanded polystyrene contains a lot of inert gas trapped in its structure making it a good insulator because gasses are poor conductors of heat
3 .
What does the rate at which an object transfers energy by heat depend on?
Surface area and volume
Material of the object
The nature of the surface with which the object is in contact
All of the above
Knowing how heat energy is transferred from one place to another is useful for heating and insulating our homes
4 .
What is condensation?
The transfer of energy between two particles in a solid structure
Vaporization of a liquid occurring on the surface of the liquid
A change in state of matter from a gas to a liquid
It is a small town outside Manchester
Energy is transferred from higher energy particles to the surface on which condensation is happening
5 .
Which of the following best explains evaporation?
Rapid moving/vibrating atoms interact with neighbor atoms transferring kinetic energy
High energy particles break free of the liquid at the surface
The particles heat independently of one another
High energy particles break free from the liquid throughout the whole container
There is less overall energy left in the liquid which you can detect as a temperature drop
6 .
What factors affect evaporation?
Air movement
Surface area of liquid
All of the above
Clothes dry better on warm windy days when they are spread out as much as possible
7 .
What factors affect the amount of condensation that occurs?
The temperature of the surface on which the condensate forms
The concentration of liquid vapor in the atmosphere
The surface area of the surface on which condensate forms
All of the above
The colder the surface is, the more quickly the hot vaporized liquid particles cool and return to liquid form on the surface. A larger concentration of liquid vapor in the atmosphere increases the number of interactions between the liquid in the atmosphere and the surface. Again, having a surface with a larger surface area also increases the number of interactions between the surface and the liquid
8 .
Which material is best at conducting heat?
A t-shirt
All metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. The free electrons and tightly packed structure of all metals aid the conduction of heat throughout the material
9 .
What effect causes energy to be transferred at a faster rate between an object and its surroundings?
A smaller temperature difference
A larger temperature difference
A smaller surface area of the object
An atmosphere measuring 0oC
As a hot object cools down, the rate of cooling decreases as the temperature gets closer to the temperature of the surroundings. That is why you get a 'cooling curve' and not a 'cooling straight line' when you plot a graph of temperature vs time for cooling something down
10 .
How does convection occur?
By condensing a gas
Vaporization occurring on the surface of the liquid
Particles moving independently of one another
By heating a fluid
Where the fluid (remember a fluid can be either a liquid or a gas) is heated, the thermal energy increases the movement of particles, so the particles in the heated portion are further apart. Because there are fewer particles now in the same volume, the heated part of the fluid is less dense and rises to float on the more dense part. As the heated area cools, the density increases and it begins to sink again
Author:  Martin Moore

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