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To Kill a Mockingbird - Character
What do we know about red geraniums in To Kill a Mockingbird?

To Kill a Mockingbird - Character

This Literature quiz is called 'To Kill a Mockingbird - Character' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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This senior high school English Literature quiz takes a look at character in To Kill a Mockingbird. Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, is narrated by its main character, Scout, from the vantage point of adult life. The characters, therefore, feature to a greater or lesser extent depending on their relationship to Scout.

1 .
Aunt Alexandra wishes to send Calpurnia home. Why?
She does not like Calpurnia taking Scout to church
She does not like Calpurnia's cooking
She enjoys keeping house and does not think Calpurnia does a good job
She thinks Calpurnia is too strict with the children
Aunt Alexandra hints that it is not appropriate for Scout, a white girl, to be at a church where she will mix with black people. The fact that she does not mention this being inappropriate for Jem implies that she is specifically worried about Scout spending time with black boys
2 .
"Calpurnia bent down and kissed me. I ran along, wondering what had come over her." What does Scout's reaction to the kiss tell the reader about Calpurnia?
She rarely shows her affection
She often behaves in contradictory ways
Calpurnia's affection is always visible in her behavior towards Scout
She approaches her work in the Finch household with an entirely business-like manner
Calpurnia is a dependable presence in the lives of the Finch children. She feels affectionate towards Jem and Scout but does not often show it. Scout is more familiar with reprimands than with kisses
3 .
How do Jem and Scout come to change their opinion about Boo Radley?
They realize that he has been leaving them presents in the knot-hole
Jem's pants are mysteriously mended after being caught in the fence
They realize that Boo must have placed a blanket around Scout to keep her warm while everyone was watching the firefighters at Miss Maudie's house
All of the above
Despite this series of events, Scout still responds dramatically when she realizes that Boo had been directly behind her
4 .
Atticus shoots the rabid dog in the street with a single shot. What effect does this episode have on Jem's and Scout's view of their father?
They are surprised by his violence
Their view of their father remains unchanged
They become ashamed of him
They take more pride in him
Jem and Scout had been embarrassed that Atticus was much older than the fathers of their classmates and spent his time in less masculine pursuits than hunting, fishing, drinking and smoking
5 .
What do the red geraniums in the Ewell yard NOT tell the reader about Mayella?
She makes an effort to improve circumstances
She has many chores
She hopes for better from life
She appreciates beauty
Scout thinks about the red geraniums when Mayella makes her appearance in court. Scout can tell that, unlike the rest of the Ewells, Mayella attempts to keep herself clean. Despite her hard work looking after her many siblings, Mayella also finds time to cultivate the flowers
6 .
Which of the following does NOT accurately describe Jem?
Although he denies his fears, Jem often feels afraid. He puts his fears aside when he is determined to find out something he wants to know, or when he is responding to a dare
7 .
Which of the children in To Kill a Mockingbird could best be described as "inventive"?
Walter Cunningham
Jem and Scout enjoy Dill's stories and also enjoy catching him out when he has been embellishing those stories. He often lies for their entertainment or when the subject of his father is mentioned
8 .
How does the friendship between the Finch children and Miss Maudie differ from their relationships with other adults?
Miss Maudie gives them food
Miss Maudie does not teach them anything
Miss Maudie treats them as equals
Miss Maudie laughs at them
Miss Maudie does not patronize the children, pry into their lives or tell on them. Scout describes her as a friend. Other adults maintain a strict distinction between themselves and children
9 .
How does the narrator inform the reader that she was a tomboy as a young girl?
She describes herself as wearing overalls
She reports that her brother was not surprised when she beat up Walter Cunningham
She remarks that she did not wish to grow up to be a lady
All of the above
Scout spends her time playing with Jem and Dill and hates being excluded for her gender
10 .
Which aspect of Tom Robinson's character leads to his trial?
All of the above
His kindness in stopping to speak to and occasionally help Mayella make him the target of her accusation. Scout believes that Tom was the only person who had ever been kind to Mayella
Author:  Sheri Smith

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