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The Crucible - Character
Test your knowledge of The Crucible in this quiz.

The Crucible - Character

This Literature quiz is called 'The Crucible - Character' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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This senior high school English Literature quiz takes a look at character. The characters in Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, are based on historical figures who lived in Salem at the time of the famous trials for witchcraft. Despite their historical basis, and the fact that the characters share the same fates as their historical counterparts, these figures are fictional creations. It is important to remember that we are reading fiction when we read The Crucible and to discuss each character as we would any other fictional character.

1 .
"It is a marvel. It is surely a stroke of hell upon you." What do Mrs. Putnam's first lines of the play indicate about her character?
She is optimistic that the troubles of the Parris household will be resolved quickly
She secretly practices witchcraft at home
She takes a disturbing delight in the thought of malign influence at work in the town
She is a cheerful woman who can find joy even in the darkest situations
She is delighted at the thought that the devil has struck Parris's household, even though her own daughter lies ill in bed
2 .
Which of the following is NOT true of John Proctor?
He does not always attend worship on Sunday mornings because he does not like Reverend Parris
He struggles with temptation to cheat on his wife with Abigail
He sees himself as a good man
He can be fierce, even threatening to beat Mary Warren
John Proctor is aware of his failings; his determination not to perjure himself at the end of the play is seen by his wife as proof of the goodness that he has been seeking
3 .
Why is the conviction of Rebecca Nurse significant to the people of Salem?
Her conviction is significant because it provokes an immediate revolt in the town
Her conviction confirms the suspicions about her character which people had harbored for years
Her good character is so well known in the town that her conviction makes the people distrust the judgment of the court
Her conviction is no more significant to the town than those of the others who hang
The town's trust in her good character is not easily shaken. Parris believes the town will revolt if she is hanged
4 .
"Now tell me true, Abigail. And I pray you feel the weight of truth upon you, for now my ministry's at stake, my ministry and perhaps your cousin's life. Whatever abominations you have done, give me all of it now, for I dare not be taken unaware when I go before them down there." What is significant about Reverend Parris's choice of the word "abomination"?
He presumes the girls are guilty
He believes all girls are an abomination
He knows for certain that actual witchcraft was being practiced in the forest
All of the above
Abigail describes the activities in the forest as "sport", but her uncle's suspicious nature presumes the girls to have been knowingly engaged in evil behaviors. Their private games are treated with utmost seriousness by the community
5 .
What is Giles Corey known for?
Perfect memory
Corey is involved in frequent court cases, accusing Proctor, for example, of slanderously saying that Corey had burnt his roof
6 .
Why is Tituba's position precarious?
She is a slave in the Parris household
She is foreign
She has attempted to help Ruth speak to the spirits of her dead siblings
All of the above
Tituba's foreign practices, including her songs and her supposed ability to speak to the dead, are recognizable to the Puritan inhabitants of Salem as witchcraft. Notably, Mrs. Putnam, who asks Ruth to have Tituba conjure the souls of her dead babies, does not feel any responsibility for her actions
7 .
"Mr. Hale is nearing forty, a tight-skinned, eager-eyed intellectual. This is a beloved errand for him; on being called here to ascertain witchcraft he felt the pride of the specialist whose unique knowledge has at last been publicly called for." What does Miller's depiction of Mr. Hale tell us?
He is a kindly man, who struggles to teach people that witchcraft does not exist
He is dull-witted and does not truly understand his task
He is a clever man and does not actually believe in witchcraft
He is eager to find witches and confident that he can recognize one
Mr. Hale is also depicted as kind; a prior case of witchcraft revealed itself to be merely a situation where a child required extra care and attention
8 .
How is Abigail's character presented in the beginning of the play, when she is being questioned by her uncle?
Fearful, honest, quick-tempered
Fearful, lying, manipulative
Honest, cheerful, fearless
Cheerful, fearless, irreligious
Abigail appears to be perfectly honest, having admitted to the dancing and accepted a potential whipping as punishment. She is visibly afraid of the implications of her uncle's questioning, and shows signs of temper when her good name is questioned. There is no clear indication that she is lying until she and Mercy are left alone with Betty
9 .
Elizabeth Proctor declares to Reverend Hale that if he believes her to be a witch, she does not believe that witches exist at all. Her declaration shows which of the following qualities?
Elizabeth, originally presented as a cold, unforgiving woman, shows herself to be remarkably courageous in telling Hale that being herself accused of witchcraft makes her not believe that witches even exist. This is courageous because it means that she is denying the literal truth of the Bible, which mentions witchcraft
10 .
Which of the following is true of Deputy Governor Danforth?
He allows fear to trump justice
He is bored by the legal proceedings in Salem
He is mistrustful of young women as witnesses
He is a rigorously rational man with a steady mind
Danforth would rather continue resolutely along his chosen path than to confront the possibility that innocent people have died by his order
Author:  Sheri Smith

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