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Silas Marner - Themes
What is the significance of the hearth in the novel?

Silas Marner - Themes

This Literature quiz is called 'Silas Marner - Themes' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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This senior high school English Literature quiz challenges you on themes in George Eliot's Silas Marner. Themes in a work of literature can be very obvious or very subtle. Often the various themes intertwine and comment upon one another. Theme is communicated through the concepts and ideas of the text, connecting setting, character, plot and dialog. Pay close attention to the related ideas you detect and try to follow the development of a theme over the course of a text.

1 .
The novel portrays Eppie as a treasure to replace Silas's lost gold. Which of the following is true?
Silas's pleasure in his gold is harmful and diminishes his life, while his love of Eppie enables him to grow and to live
Silas's gold holds no value, while his love of Eppie is the only value in his life
Although Silas loves Eppie dearly, he never stops longing for his lost gold
Eppie and the gold are equal in value
Silas is grateful for the return of his money after it has lost its hold over him. He sees the money itself as useful as long as he has the correct attitude to it
2 .
Why do the people of Raveloe mistrust Silas before the theft of his gold?
His work is not sufficiently high in quality
He is an outsider
He belongs to the chapel in Lantern Yard
He has no family or children
The primary reason the villagers mistrust Silas is because he is an incomer to the village. This instinctive mistrust is also apparent when a traveling pedlar is blamed for the theft. Silas's knowledge of herbs also invites suspicion
3 .
Godfrey's life is diminished to the same extent in which Silas's is enriched. Why?
Godfrey follows his brother Dunstan into irresponsibility and other damaging behaviors
Godfrey becomes miserly, as Silas had been
Silas puts immediate gain above his responsibilities
Godfrey puts immediate gain above his responsibilities
Godfrey has more than one opportunity to acknowledge Eppie as his own daughter, but only does so when it is too late because he cannot face the loss of Nancy and the regard of his friends, family and acquaintances. He only realizes how impoverished his life has been when Eppie has grown up
4 .
What replaces the chapel community in Lantern Yard?
A village church
Some public baths
A pub
A factory
The chapel was close to the jail on Prison Street and has been replaced by a factory. Are the factory workers as imprisoned in their circumstances as Silas had been in his?
5 .
Raveloe cannot be protected from coming change. Which of the following is true of change in the novel?
Change always involves going from good to bad
Change is always for the better
Change is neutral
Not all changes are for the good, but remaining immune to change can be dangerous for the soul
Ultimately, even leaving Lantern Yard in such traumatic circumstances proves to be a great opportunity for positive change in Silas's life. Without openness to change, his life would have become ossified in loneliness and miserliness
6 .
"No one knew where wandering men had their homes or their origin; and how was a man to be explained unless you at least knew somebody who knew his father and mother?" How is this suspicion on the part of the villagers counteracted in the novel?
Eppie is an orphan, as well as literally a wanderer, and is beloved by the villagers
Dunstan is forgiven for his wandering morality because he is well-known to the villagers
The only reason the villagers like and trust Aaron is because they know his parents well
None of the above
Eppie wanders into the life of Silas, one of these suspicious, unexplained men
7 .
What is the significance of the hearth in the novel?
The hearth represents modern beliefs and practices
The hearth represents life and the heart of the home
The hearth represents isolation
All of the above
Eppie appears at Silas's hearth. He later refuses to modernize his cooking arrangements because he does not wish to lose this sacred spot. Nancy also imagines her children playing at the hearth
8 .
Dolly stamps the letters "I. H. S." on her cakes. What is her explanation for this practice?
They are the same letters which she sees in church
The letters vary according to the type of cake she has made
She uses these letters to teach Aaron how to read
She has no reason for the practice
Eliot depicts religious beliefs as being fairly incomprehensible to the ordinary people who hold them. Silas has a better understanding of theology, but has lost his faith. Dolly trusts the letters, which are found in church, without understanding their meaning (IHS is an abbreviation for Jesus Christ)
9 .
What does the novel say about community?
Community is wholly good
Communities should never be trusted
Communities, like their individual members, can be forces for good or for ill
Town communities are untrustworthy, but village communities are without fault
Silas is harmed when the community of Lantern Yard turns against him and is supported by the community of Raveloe. However, Raveloe is slow to warm to Silas and is instinctively mistrustful until he is made vulnerable by the theft and by his adoption of Eppie. Despite its eventually welcoming embrace, Raveloe is shown to be susceptible to gossip, too
10 .
In the first part of the novel, what is considered to be lacking in both Silas's cottage and in the Red House, the Squire's home?
The necessities of life
The civilizing influence of women
Eppie and Nancy make their homes more pleasant places to be. Eppie, in particular, brings life; this is represented not only by her marriage at the end of the novel, but also by the pets identified as one amongst many positive changes to come to Silas's home
Author:  Sheri Smith

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