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Silas Marner - Character
What a pretty home ours is!

Silas Marner - Character

This Literature quiz is called 'Silas Marner - Character' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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This senior high school English Literature quiz takes a look at character in Silas Marner by George Eliot.

1 .
"It was impossible to have lived with her fifteen years and not be aware that an unselfish clinging to the right, and a sincerity clear as the flower-born dew, were her main characteristics." What does this statement tell the reader about Godfrey's view of Nancy?
Godfrey believes that her behavior is both predictable and explicable
Godfrey believes Nancy to be unjust
Godfrey believes that Nancy changes her views depending on circumstances
Godfrey believes she is too harsh
Godfrey is prevented from confessing his relationship to Eppie by his understanding of Nancy's very clear moral outlook and the straightforward relationship between her morals and her behavior. She later surprises him by condemning him not for his first marriage, but for not confessing sooner in order to adopt Eppie
2 .
Which of the following best describes Dunstan's character?
All of the above
Dunstan appears to have no redeeming characteristics
3 .
Which of the following best describes Dolly?
Reluctant, dutiful, traditional
Honest, caring, traditional
Nosy, caring, unthinking
Superstitious, dour, dutiful
Dolly's insistence on providing help and advice to Silas proves essential in helping him to keep and raise Eppie. The warmth of her character eventually encourages Silas to be open about his painful past
4 .
Which of the following does NOT describe Aaron?
Aaron represents the idealized honest country laborer
5 .
"No! he would rather trust to casualties than to his own resolve — rather go on sitting at the feast and sipping the wine he loved, though with the sword hanging over him and terror in his heart, than rush away into the cold darkness where there was no pleasure left." What do these lines reveal of Godfrey's character?
He is weak-willed
He is courageous
He is a cautious man by nature
He enjoys the thrill of danger
Godfrey wishes to do well and to do what is right, but is also afraid of unpleasant consequences. He trusts to chance to somehow rectify the situation in which his choices have landed him
6 .
When Eppie refuses the offer to live with Godfrey and Nancy, she explains that she does not wish to be a lady. What does her refusal demonstrate about her character?
She is both humble and confident
She is proud and ungrateful
She is affectionate but gullible
She is condescending and severe
Eppie's refusal of the offer shows that she is determined and confident enough to speak honestly to those who occupy a greater social position than her own. Her apparent lack of interest in the wealthy lifestyle offered demonstrates her happiness with a humble life
7 .
When Silas warns Eppie that she will make herself "beholden" to Aaron by allowing him to create a garden, she responds by disagreeing, saying that "he likes it". What does this tell us of Eppie's character?
She is selfish
She is used to being beloved
She enjoys toying with Aaron's feelings
She is unaware of Aaron's feelings for her
Eppie has been raised with such love that it is entirely natural to her to be as beloved by Aaron as she is by her father
8 .
"Silas was still looking at his friend. Suddenly a deep flush came over his face, and he was about to speak impetuously, when he seemed checked again by some inward shock, that sent the flush back and made him tremble." What is the reason for Silas's blush here?
He is shy and easily embarrassed
He dreads speaking in front of a group of people
He realizes suddenly that his friend has lied about him
He does not wish anyone to know how much he cares for his fiancée
Silas is shocked by his friend's betrayal. This shock contributes strongly to his loss of faith in human fellowship
9 .
"'O, father,' said Eppie, 'what a pretty home ours is! I think nobody could be happier than we are.'" What does the final line of the novel tell us of Eppie's priorities?
Simple domestic relationships give her great joy
Her early abandonment had no effect on her life
Eppie has forgotten all about her real father
Eppie prefers daydreams to reality
Silas's simple and overpowering love for the orphaned child helps her to develop into an adult who finds joy in a simple home and in those who live there
10 .
Why does Silas apologize so quickly after accusing Jem Rodney of stealing his gold?
He wishes to hide his true feelings
He is a swift-tempered man
He is afraid of angering the men in the Rainbow
He remembers how it felt to be falsely accused and wishes to be just
Silas is an honest man and is horrified that he has fallen so easily into the same behavior that caused him to lose everything as a young man
Author:  Sheri Smith

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