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Medicine: The Nineteenth Century
Louis Pasteur gives his name to pasteurization - the process guaranteeing the purity of milk.

Medicine: The Nineteenth Century

This History quiz is called 'Medicine: The Nineteenth Century' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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Senior high school History covers the subject of the world of medicine, and the advancements that have been made in it over time. One period that will be looked at closely is that of the 19th Century.

1 .
After a massive cholera epidemic in Hamburg in 1892, scientists were clearer about the way to prevent the disease. What were their main recommendations?
A mass vaccination campaign
Improvements in sanitation and water systems
The elimination of infection through asepsis
The burning of the clothing of victims
1892 turned out to be the final fling of this fatal disease in Europe
2 .
Between 1814 and 1886, in Britain and on the continent, Carpus, von Graefe, Mertauer, Dieffenbach, Roe, Weir, Israel and Monks worked on a kind of surgery which had to wait until the Twentieth Century to reach full fruition. What sort of surgery was that?
Organ transplants
Key hole Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Laser Surgery
These were pioneers, but they worked mainly in isolation from each other
3 .
On return from nursing in the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale founded a nursing school at a well known London hospital. Which hospital was this?
The Royal Free Hospital
The Royal Marsden Hospital
The Charing Cross Hospital
St. Thomas's Hospital
Florence Nightingale hoped that - in the event of another war - her new school would produce sufficient nurses to make a difference to the inevitable wounded
4 .
Which substance did Joseph Lister propose as an antiseptic wound treatment in 1865?
Carbolic Acid
Formic Acid
Lysergic Acid
Sulphuric Acid
Lister was knighted for his work in surgery
5 .
What name is given to a widespread outbreak of a contagious disease across continents - or even worldwide?
An epidemic
An endemic
A pandemic
A geodemic
Cholera would be a good example of this. Outbreaks often affected huge swathes of continents, or even the whole globe
6 .
Where did Florence Nightingale set up her military hospital during the Crimean War?
Most of the patients treated here were affected by disease rather than war wounds
7 .
The German medical scientist, Robert Koch, called it "bacteriology". What name is usually given to his main discovery by 1881?
Microbe theory
Bacillus theory
Germ theory
Spore theory
Koch had worked on tuberculosis, cholera and anthrax before coming up with his general idea
8 .
The Jamaican-born nurse, Mary Seacole, founded a hospital near Sebastopol in the Crimea to tend the wounded. What name was given to this establishment?
The British Clinic
The British Hotel
The British Hospital
The British Infirmary
Little was known about her and her work until relatively recently. Before her emergence into the limelight she tended to be overshadowed by Florence Nightingale
9 .
James Young Simpson was a pioneer in Edinburgh of anesthetics. Which substance did he reveal as an extremely effective anesthetic?
Liquid Hydrogen
The original experiment with this substance sent all of the observers to sleep, including Simpson himself!
10 .
Pasteur opened his institute in 1888. For which of the following diseases did he develop a vaccine?
Pasteur, of course, gives his name to the procedure of pasteurization to guarantee the purity of milk
Author:  Edward Towne

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