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Verbal Reasoning - Missing Word 4

Does he look like a growling dog to you?

Verbal Reasoning - Missing Word 4

This English Language quiz is called 'Verbal Reasoning - Missing Word 4' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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The missing word is part of a bigger word - can you find it?

The word in capitals has had THREE consecutive letters removed. Without changing the order of these letters they will make one correctly spelled word. The sentence must make sense. Find the three letter word and choose your answer from the four choices available. An example has been done for you.

Example: Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

The children GATED in the hall.


Answer: HER (gatHERed)

By putting HER back into GATED, we can make the word GATHERED. None of the other choices make sense.
1 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

When he sets his mind to something, he really does it WHOLEHEEDLY.
By putting ART back into WHOLEHEEDLY, we can make the word WHOLEHEARTEDLY. None of the other choices make sense. To do something wholeheartedly means to be fully committed to it
2 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

Passing exams is always a great ACHIMENT.
By putting EVE back into ACHIMENT, we can make the word ACHIEVEMENT. None of the other choices make sense. We hope the practice you get through these quizzes will help you towards achievement
3 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

Our local election had no less than nine CANATES.
By putting DID back into CANATES, we can make the word CANDIDATES. None of the other choices make sense. A candidate is what we call someone who stands for election
4 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

The dog just lay there, GLING menacingly
By putting ROW back into GLING, we can make the word GROWLING. None of the other choices make sense
5 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

He ate as much of the apple as he could and DISDED the rest of it.
By putting CAR back into DISDED, we can make the word DISCARDED. None of the other choices make sense. To discard something means to throw it away, or to dispose of it
6 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

Her cousins lived on the OUTRTS of London.
By putting SKI back into OUTRTS, we can make the word OUTSKIRTS. None of the other choices make sense
7 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

The charity appeal was to help children in poor countries who were suffering from MALRITION.
By putting NUT back into MALRITION, we can make the word MALNUTRITION. None of the other choices make sense. Malnutrition occurs when someone's diet is lacking the nutrients they need to be healthy
8 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

What's her profession? She's a MAMATICIAN!
By putting THE back into MAMATICIAN, we can make the word MATHEMATICIAN. None of the other choices make sense. Now, that one should have got your brain ticking a little!
9 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

The D Day landings could never have taken place without the PARACISTS.
By putting HUT back into PARACISTS, we can make the word PARACHUTISTS. None of the other choices make sense. The D Day landings began on 6th June, 1944, during World War Two. You've had a lesson in History today too!
10 .
Find the three letters that have been removed from the word in capitals below. If the missing letters are put back into the word, the sentence will make sense.

His DESCANTS had originally come from India.
By putting END back into DESCANTS, we can make the word DESCENDANTS. None of the other choices make sense. Bet that one got you thinking!
Author:  Stephen O'Hara

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