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Verbal Reasoning - Hidden Word 2
At last, after days of waiting, the chaffinch appeared at the bottom of the garden.

Verbal Reasoning - Hidden Word 2

This English Language quiz is called 'Verbal Reasoning - Hidden Word 2' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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In each of the following sentences a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words will always be next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

Scrabble is the world's most popular word game, with 150 million of the popular board game being owned by people in 121 countries. We don't ask you to find the hidden words from 7 letters, just to find four letter words hidden between two other words.

Example: The dog was frightened by the noise.

The dog

dog was

was frightened

the noise

Answer: then (the noise)
The word 'then' is hidden in the noise
1 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

When he came on stage, he decided he would clap especially loudly.
decided he
would clap
clap especially
especially loudly
clap especially is the correct answer because apes is hidden between clap and especially. We wonder who "he" was. Justin Bieber? Harry Styles?
2 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

If you want to know real fame, show your photographs to a good agent.
real fame
good agent
show your
fame show
fame show is the correct answer because mesh is hidden between fame and show. The artist Andy Warhol once said that everyone would one day have "fifteen minutes of fame"
3 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

Nothing frightens me more than being home alone.
Nothing frightens
more than
home alone
being home
home alone is the correct answer because meal is hidden between home and alone. The movie Home Alone is listed in the Guinness World Records as the highest-grossing live-action comedy film ever
4 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

At last, after days of waiting, the chaffinch appeared at the bottom of the garden.
chaffinch appeared
appeared at
days of
last, after
chaffinch appeared is the correct answer because chap is hidden between chaffinch and appeared. The chaffinch is the UK's second commonest breeding bird
5 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

The boat drifted from the harbor despite being held by thin chains.
thin chains
boat drifted
harbour despite
being held
thin chains is the correct answer because inch is hidden between thin and chains
6 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

My favorite type of magician is an escape artist.
favourite type
escape artist
an escape
My favorite
escape artist is the correct answer because pear is hidden between escape and artist. Perhaps the most famous escape artist was Harry Houdini, known as The Great Houdini
7 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

I like my tea stirred, not shaken.
like my
tea stirred
stirred, not
not shaken
tea stirred is the correct answer because teas and east are hidden between tea and stirred. In the UK we drink around 165 million cups of tea every day!
8 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

You only need to ask in this school, and you will get help.
only need
you will
ask in
get help
ask in is the correct answer because skin is hidden between ask and in. Don't forget to be polite though!
9 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

My favorite food for tea is cheese and meat omelet.
My favorite
favourite food
cheese and
meat omelet
meat omelette is the correct answer because atom and tome are hidden between meat and omelette. The word omelet comes from the fourteenth century French word for "blade of a knife" because omelets were considered to be as flat as a blade
10 .
In the sentence below a FOUR letter word is hidden between two words. The two words are next to each other. Find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the four choices available.

He was teasing me with the CD, holding the disk above his head and laughing.
teasing me
disc above
holding the
and laughing
disc above is the correct answer because scab is hidden between disc and above. Disgusting they may be, but scabs help us to heal by forming a barrier against infection
Author:  Stephen O'Hara

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