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Making Improvements
Colors can be warm, cold, complementary, contrasting, primary, secondary and tertiary.

Making Improvements

This Arts and Crafts quiz is called 'Making Improvements' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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At middle school children refine and develop their control of media and use of different techniques. They will also appreciate that some works of art can take time, and that evaluating their artworks, making changes to and improving them along the way is part of the creative process.

1 .
What can be cool, warm, complementary, contrasting, primary, secondary and tertiary?
Artists' studios
A good understanding of the color wheel will help you make improved color choices for your work
2 .
Adding rhythm to a piece of art achieves what effect?
It can add a soundtrack to the artwork
It can help you play a musical instrument
It can help you make matching artworks
It can move the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art
Color and light patterns, texture and application of paint can all be used to create rhythm and improve your art
3 .
It is important for artists to see the spaces between and around the objects they draw. What are these spaces known as?
Positive spaces
Negative spaces
Neutral spaces
Blank spaces
Learning to see and draw the shapes between the lines that make up an object with help you improve the way you draw
4 .
A good understanding of tone and shade is useful for what purpose?
For choosing different colors correctly
For spending more time on a piece
For seeing where you could add extra details
For adding realistic elements, such as shadows
Adding lighter areas and increasing shading to form shadow can really help to improve a piece of work
5 .
If an artist is struggling to see ways of improving their art, what might they do?
Ask friends or fellow artists for advice and opinions
Start again
Give the art away
Keep going and hope for the best
Sometimes the opinions of others can provide a turning point for a piece of art
6 .
Which of these options might help to improve a piece of art?
Keeping adding things until the page is full
Removing some elements altogether
Hiding it away and never looking at it again
Giving it as a gift
There is a saying 'Less is more' and, in some cases, this is very true!
7 .
Why is it important to make changes and improvements to a piece of art?
Because everybody else does it
Because a few changes could make a massive improvement
Because the art teacher says so
To waste some time in the lesson
Even world-renowned artists can't turn out perfect artwork first time around!
8 .
All expressions of art begin with what?
A pencil
A concept
A program on TV
A story
A concept is an idea formed in the mind, which will help the artist express how something will be accomplished
9 .
What is the composition of a piece?
How much the artist is paid for the work
Any music which accompanies the artwork
A story about the art
The arrangement and placement of visual elements
Although composition is very important, some artists, such as Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso, chose to ignore traditional approaches in order to challenge the viewer!
10 .
Which of the following could be a key factor in making improvements to your art?
What you decide to have for breakfast
Whether or not you wear glasses
What you wear to work in
Having a clean and organized working environment
If your work space is dark, cluttered, dusty, cramped or messy, it could be difficult to make improvements to your techniques and skills
Author:  Angela Smith

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