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My Mother Said I Never Should - Setting
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My Mother Said I Never Should - Setting

This Literature quiz is called 'My Mother Said I Never Should - Setting' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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1 .
What event forces Doris to move to Oldham?
The birth of Rosie
Margaret's death
Jack's death
The air raids
Doris is left to the whims of her husband's will when he leaves the house to their granddaughter. The event demonstrates the helplessness of a woman who had been successful in her career before agreeing to marry
2 .
What provides shelter during the WWII air raids which take place in the second scene?
The bomb shelter
The piano
A neighbor's house
The cellar
Margaret shelters under the piano with her doll; later Jackie plays at hiding under the piano to get a feel for her mother's experience
3 .
Which of the following is correct?
Events are presented chronologically in the play
Time moves back and forth in the play as the scenes skip around between related events
The entire play is set in a timeless place
Events are presented in reverse chronological order in the play
Act Three is the exception to the movement between different times. In Act Three, scenes proceed chronologically, with the exception of the Wasteground scene and the final scene to the day of Doris's engagement to Jack
4 .
In what time are the scenes in the Wasteground set?
The Wasteground is timeless
The women are all girls together in the Wasteground, the setting for the first scene
5 .
When is My Mother Said I Never Should set?
1950s and 1960s
1970s and 1980s
All of the above
The play spans the lives of four women from 1940, in Act One, Scene Two, to 1987, in Act Three, Scene Seven (the final scene returns to 1923)
6 .
What is significant about the Wasteground?
The Wasteground is important because it shows how much all of the characters dislike each other
The Wasteground gives the audience a break from thinking about the play
The characters are freed from their mother-daughter relationships and are all equals
The Wasteground is not significant
The women stand out more clearly as individuals when they do not play the role of mother or of daughter
7 .
Where is the play set?
All of the above
The scenes take place in Manchester and its environs, including Cheadle Hulme and Oldham, and in London
8 .
One of the themes of the play is women's roles at work and how these relate to their familial roles. Whose workplace is the setting for one scene?
All of the above
Most of the settings are domestic, located in gardens or houses; Margaret's office is the only workplace to be portrayed on stage
9 .
Besides the scenes set in the Wasteground, when do all of the characters appear together?
In the hospital, when Margaret is dying
In Margaret's home, for Rosie's birthday
In Doris's home, after her husband's death
In Jackie's flat in Manchester, when Rosie is a baby
Act Two, at the center of the play, sees all characters together as the younger generations help to clear out Doris's house after Jack's death. This is the only part of the play in which the audience sees how the characters interact when they are all together and the mother-daughter relationships are intact
10 .
Which of the following events does NOT take place in the month of December?
Margaret's death
The air raid
Margaret collects the baby Rosie from Jackie's flat
The women help Doris clear out her house after her husband's death
December in the play is associated with upheaval
Author:  Sheri Smith

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