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Jane Eyre - Illustrating and Supporting Points
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Jane Eyre - Illustrating and Supporting Points

This Literature quiz is called 'Jane Eyre - Illustrating and Supporting Points' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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Read the text from Jane Eyre and then choose the answer which best uses evidence in support of a point. Remember that the answer will also need to be grammatically correct.
1 .
"My rest might have been blissful enough, only a sad heart broke it. It plained of its gaping wounds, its inward bleeding, its riven chords"
Jane pictures her broken heart through physical details: its "gaping wounds", "inward bleeding" and "riven chords"
Jane pictures her "broken" heart through physical details: its gaping wounds, inward bleeding and riven chords
Jane pictures her broken "heart" through "physical" details: its gaping wounds, "inward bleeding" and "riven chords"
Jane pictures her broken heart through physical details: its gaping wounds, inward bleeding and "riven chords"
Quoting single words or short phrases as a list can be an effective way in which to use evidence from a text
2 .
"When thus alone, I not unfrequently heard Grace Poole's laugh: the same peal, the same low, slow ha! ha! which, when first heard, had thrilled me: I heard, too, her eccentric murmurs; stranger than her laugh"
Jane believes "Grace Pool" to be the source of the strange sounds and "eccentric murmurs" she can hear coming from the attic
Jane believes "Grace Pool" to be the source of the "strange" sounds and "eccentric murmurs" she can hear coming from the attic
Jane believes Grace Pool to be the source of the strange sounds and "eccentric murmurs" she can hear coming from the attic
Jane believes Grace Pool to be the source of the strange sounds and eccentric murmurs she can hear coming from the attic
The correct answer here uses paraphrase in combination with a short quotation. In an essay, the sentence could be followed by one discussing the idea, language choice, or function of the "eccentric murmurs" in further detail
3 .
"Helen she held a little longer than me: she let her go more reluctantly; it was Helen her eye followed to the door; it was for her she a second time breathed a sad sigh; for her she wiped a tear from her cheek"
Jane is an observant child: she sees Miss Temple's compassion through her actions, her tears and her "sighs" for Helen
Jane is an observant child: she sees Miss Temple's compassion through her actions, her "tears" and her "sighs" for Helen
Jane is an observant child: she sees Miss Temple's compassion through her actions, her tears and her sighs for Helen
Jane is an observant child: she sees Miss Temple's compassion through her actions, her "tears" and her sighs for Helen
Remember that ordinary words such as "sigh" and "tear" do not need to be in quotation marks
4 .
"Had I been dreaming? Did I dream still? The old woman's voice had changed: her accent, her gesture, and all, were familiar to me as my own face in the glass — as the speech of my own tongue"
Mr Rochester is as familiar to Jane as her own being, her own face in the glass, her own speech
Mr Rochester is as familiar to Jane as her own being, her "own face in the glass", her own speech
Mr Rochester is as familiar to Jane as her own being, her "own face in the glass", "her own speech"
Mr Rochester is as familiar to Jane as her own being, her "own face in the glass", the speech of "her own tongue"
Remember to use exact quotations. Here the final answer is incorrect because the exact quotation would be "the speech of my own tongue", rather than "her own tongue"
5 .
"'I like Thornfield; its antiquity; its retirement; its old crow-trees and thorn-trees; its gray façade, and lines of dark windows reflecting that metal welkin: and yet how long have I abhorred the very thought of it; shunned it like a great plague-house! How I do still abhor—' He ground his teeth and was silent"
Rochester contrasts the attractive view of his home and its grounds with the feeling of hatred caused by the "very thought of it"
Like Jane, the reader does not yet understand why Rochester once viewed Thornfield Hall as a "plague-house"
Rochester's sudden silence at the moment he might reveal the secret cause of his abhorrence for Thornfield Hall increases the air of mystery surrounding Jane
All of the above
Remember to practice different techniques when using evidence in order to improve your skills
6 .
"Twenty thousand pounds shared equally, would be five thousand each, — enough and to spare: justice would be done, — mutual happiness secured. Now the wealth did not weigh on me: now it was not a mere bequest of coin, — it was a legacy of life, hope, enjoyment"
Jane thinks of her fortune as a "dead weight"; only when it is shared can it represent "life, hope, enjoyment"
Jane thinks of her fortune as a dead "weight"; only when it is shared can it represent "life, hope, enjoyment"
Jane thinks of her fortune as a dead weight; only when it is shared can it represent life, hope, enjoyment
Jane thinks of her fortune as a dead weight; only when it is shared can it represent "life, hope, enjoyment"
This answer makes a point about Jane's view of her good fortune by presenting a quotation concerning life in contrast to Jane's impression of a lifeless coin
7 .
"So I turned at the door: I saw a robed and veiled figure, so unlike my usual self that it seemed almost the image of a stranger"
Dressed as a bride in the "veil" chosen by Rochester, Jane no longer knows "herself": a "robed and veiled figure"
Dressed as a bride in the veil chosen by Rochester, Jane no longer knows herself: she sees a robed and veiled figure
Dressed as a bride in the veil chosen by Rochester, Jane no longer "knows" herself, instead seeing a "stranger": a "robed and veiled figure"
Dressed as a bride in the veil chosen by Rochester, Jane no longer knows herself, instead seeing a stranger: "a robed and veiled figure"
Here, using the phrase "instead seeing a stranger" helps to make the point of the sentence clear before quoting the evidence ("a robed and veiled figure")
8 .
"But I'll shut up Thornfield Hall: I'll nail up the front door, and board the lower windows; I'll give Mrs Poole two hundred a year to live here with my wife, as you term that fearful hag"
By emphasizing the words "my wife", Rochester implies that the words themselves are inaccurate
By emphasizing the words my wife, Rochester implies that the words themselves are inaccurate
By emphasizing the words my wife, Rochester implies that the words themselves are inaccurate
By emphasizing the words "my wife", Rochester implies that the words themselves are "inaccurate"
A correct answer could also refer to Brontë's use of italics to emphasize the words
9 .
"I envy you your peace of mind, your clean conscience, your unpolluted memory. Little girl, a memory without blot or contamination must be an exquisite treasure — an inexhaustible source of pure refreshment"
Mr Rochester views Jane as a "little girl" whose character is "clean" and "unpolluted"
Mr Rochester views Jane as a little girl whose character is clean and unpolluted
Mr Rochester views Jane as a "little girl" with a "clean conscience" and unpolluted memory
Mr Rochester views Jane as a little girl with a clean conscience and "unpolluted memory"
Always be careful to quote accurately and grammatically
10 .
"You shall not get it out of me to-night, sir; you must wait till to-morrow: to leave my tale half-told, will, you know, be a sort of security that I shall appear at your breakfast-table to finish it"
Jane both teases and comforts Rochester by promising "to leave my tale half-told"
By promising "to leave my tale half-told", Jane both teases and comforts Rochester
By promising to leave her story "half-told", Jane both teases and comforts Rochester
All of the above
It can be tricky to include quotations grammatically, but your writing will be more clear and easier to read if you take care with the details. Here the sentence which consistently uses the third-person is preferable to the two which switch between first ("my") and third (Jane). You could also make a good point about the reference to Scheherazade in Jane's words!
Author:  Sheri Smith

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