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Animal Farm - Themes
Test yourself on themes in Animal Farm.

Animal Farm - Themes

This Literature quiz is called 'Animal Farm - Themes' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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1 .
Which of the following describes the text's presentation of language?
Language is not important in comparison to physical strength
Language is only important for sharing factual information, but not for songs and stories
Control over language ensures that goodness and right will triumph
Control over language allows control over history
Words are strictly controlled: the commandments are changed, animals' memories are replaced with new versions of history and some language is banished (including the censorship of "Beasts of England")
2 .
How do Snowball and Napoleon differ in their views on the importance of education?
Snowball believes in educating all the animals, while Napoleon does not wish for any animal to be educated
Snowball believes in educating all the animals to the best of their ability, while Napoleon only believes in educating the young
Snowball believes only in the indoctrination of beliefs, while Napoleon believes every animal should have an equal education
Snowball and Napoleon share the same views on education
Napoleon believes in educating particular groups for particular purposes. The dogs are trained to recognize and attack his enemies and the sheep are brainwashed into obedience and the repetition of simple phrases. Proper education is planned for the litters of piglets when they are born
3 .
When the animals gather in the harvest after they successfully oust Mr Jones, the pigs "did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others". What does this statement indicate to the reader?
The pigs might have a tendency to laziness
The pigs do not know how to cut or rake the hay
The other animals dislike being told what to do
All of the above
Intelligence and laziness are shown to coexist quite comfortably both in pigs and in human beings. The pigs use their intelligence to guide and direct the other animals
4 .
Animals on other farms begin to sing "Beasts of England". Why?
The animals believe the stories about the terrible happenings on the farm and sing the song for reassurance
Napoleon secretly travels around the neighboring farms, encouraging the animals to rebel
They have been ordered to sing the song as a mockery of Animal Farm
The vision of a farm run by animals for themselves, on a basis of equality, is very attractive
Orwell presents an attractive vision of an idealized socialist state before those ideals are crushed by the leaders' desire to gather power to themselves
5 .
"I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this extra labor upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility." Which of the following is true of Napoleon's pursuit of power?
Napoleon seeks power in order to provide the greatest benefit to all animals
Napoleon finds the exercise of power very burdensome
Napoleon ruthlessly pursues power, but wishes to portray himself as leading for the common good
Napoleon feels forced to take the position of leader since no one else is capable
Napoleon reveals himself as ruthless and as a liar. His bid for power also demonstrates the influence he has over many of the animals, including Squealer
6 .
Which of the following characterizes the relationship between Animal Farm and its neighbors?
Friendly cooperation
Wise diplomacy
Cautious trust
The existence of outside enmity allows Napoleon greater control over the other animals. The animals always have an enemy to fear, even when this enemy changes seemingly randomly according to the whim of Napoleon
7 .
The behavior of the pigs is motivated primarily by which of the following?
A belief in justice
The pigs always make choices determined by greed, whether in sleeping on comfortable beds, living in the farmhouse, drinking whisky or reserving windfall apples for themselves. They find ever more inventive ways to justify their choices to the other animals
8 .
How does Moses's story of Sugarcandy Mountain function?
The promise of Sugarcandy Mountain encourages the animals to work hard and to teach Animalism to animals throughout the region
The promise of Sugarcandy Mountain displaces the animals' hope for a better future to an abstract reward after death
The promise of Sugarcandy Mountain inspires the animals to revolt
Sugarcandy Mountain is an enlightening story which encourages the animals to organize and to question their leader
Promises of a better place to be found after death work as well under Napoleon's totalitarian regime as under Mr Jones's. Moses represents anyone who preaches religion as a means of controlling a population and making people content with injustice in life
9 .
Which of the animals models idealism?
Snowball's idealism is very attractive for the other animals. His idealism falls, however, to Napoleon's willingness to use violence and intimidation in his pursuit of power
10 .
Boxer nearly crushes the head of the dog who unexpectedly attacks him, looking first to Napoleon for instructions. To which of the following themes does this episode relate?
The innate violence of the working class
The unpredictability of the working class
The power of the working class
All of the above
Napoleon overreaches himself in attempting to get rid of Boxer as easily as he has the ringleaders of the hen rebellion killed. Nevertheless, Boxer is placid and is in no danger of leading a rebellion even against the dictatorial Napoleon
Author:  Sheri Smith

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