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Animal Farm - Character
How much do you know about Animal Farm?

Animal Farm - Character

This Literature quiz is called 'Animal Farm - Character' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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This high school English Literature quiz takes a look at character. Character in George Orwell’s novella, Animal Farm, is interesting. Many of the animals are unnamed, including the sheep, the dogs raised by Napoleon, the cat and the pigeons, to list a few. These animals represent specific groups or types of people: the dogs, for example, are an obedient private police force; the sheep are the sort of conformist people who believe everything they are told, challenging and questioning nothing; the cat stands for the kind of person who is always self-interested.

1 .
Which of the following is NOT true of Mollie?
She enjoys the attentions of human beings
She prefers good food and comfort to suffering any discomfort for the animals' cause
She feels humiliated when humans dress her up with ribbons, although she tolerates this practice
She allows people to pet her and stroke her nose in return for sugar lumps
The other animals see the wearing of human clothes as humiliating, but Mollie does not agree. Mollie prefers luxuries and attentions to the life offered on the farm, even at the cost of wearing reins and a harness
2 .
Which of the following does NOT contribute to Napoleon's rise to leadership?
The use of violence
Cooperation with neighboring farmers
Napoleon begins to cooperate with humans after he usurps leadership of the farm. The long germination of his plans is evident in his secret behavior, especially in the training of the puppies into his own private security force
3 .
"Here Squealer's demeanor suddenly changed. He fell silent for a moment, and his little eyes darted suspicious glances from side to side before he proceeded." What causes Squealer to feel suspicious while speaking to the other animals?
He believes the other animals intend to harm him
He is aware that not all of the other animals believe his reports
He believes that one of the horses might usurp his position
He is concerned that his truthful account will deliberately be undermined by malicious lies from the others
Squealer is aware of the large gulf between his report of Boxer's death and the other animals' awareness of reality. He suspiciously guards the official report from alternative accounts
4 .
Snowball paints the commandments on the wall, organizes the animals into committees and creates plans for the windmill. He exercises leadership through which of the following?
Living in absolute equality with the other animals
Secrecy and intimidation
Inspiration and education
Threats and lies
Inspiration can easily give rise to empty promises and education can also become indoctrination, tactics which the other pigs put to use after the banishment of Snowball. Snowball does not fully believe in equality, since he accepts better conditions for those engaged in intellectual labor
5 .
Clover occasionally asks Muriel to read out specific commandments that are written on the wall. Which of the following is true of her response to the altered commandments?
She is inclined to mistrust her memory, instead having faith in written words
She mistrusts the pigs and immediately recognizes that the commandments have been altered through additions
She is a naturally suspicious and cynical character and these views are confirmed by the alterations
She is merely indulging her curiosity and thus feels satisfied after hearing the commandments read
Clover, like many of the animals, has a misplaced trust in authority, both that of the pigs and that expressed through writing
6 .
What does Boxer see as his responsibility to the animals' revolution?
Hard work and obedience
Literacy and holding the leaders to account
Fully supporting and repeating Squealer's propaganda
Intimidating human neighbors and enemies through violence
Boxer's two maxims are "I will work harder" and "Napoleon is always right". The second motto he adopts to cope with the anxiety produced by the terrifying expulsion of Snowball from the farm
7 .
What causes rebellion amongst the hens?
The agreement to trade their eggs for necessities for the farm
The sudden reduction in food rations
The sudden increase during the spring of the number of eggs to be traded
All of the above
The hens' rebellion is ruthlessly quashed, through starvation and the punishment of sympathizers. The rebellion also leads to a purge of ringleaders and a time of hysterical self-denouncement and general punishment of those perceived as internal enemies
8 .
Which of the sheep's characteristics are used against the possibility of dissent amongst the animals?
Their tendency to act in a group
Their inability to master complex thoughts
Their obedience
All of the above
The sheep are used as a weapon against the other animals. Their cry of "Four legs good, two legs bad" prevents the others from complaining, asking questions or disagreeing with the pigs
9 .
Benjamin takes the long view, refusing to engage with debates or even to share his knowledge with the other animals. What finally prompts a change in his behavior?
The first obvious lie from the pigs
The pigs' betrayal of his friend
The first time the pigs suffer from hangovers
The appearance of Squealer walking on two legs
Benjamin is so disturbed by the animals' misunderstanding of events when Boxer is taken away that he rouses them by reading the side of the van, explaining what is really happening to their faithful friend
10 .
How do the humans show their enmity to Animal Farm?
Refusing to participate in any trade with the farm
Causing the collapse of the first windmill
Spreading lies about conditions on the farm and continuing to refer to it by its former name
Harboring Snowball and encouraging his activities against the farm
The human farmers wish for Animal Farm to fail at any cost and also punish their own animals if caught singing "Beasts of England". The stories about their protection of Snowball are invented by Napoleon to create a sense of fear on the farm
Author:  Sheri Smith

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