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Writing Narrative
A story must have a resolution at the end.

Writing Narrative

This English Language quiz is called 'Writing Narrative' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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A narrative is a story. Narrative writing simply means story writing. And just as there are conventions and rules to follow when composing other kinds of texts, narrative writing has its own conventions. Some of the vital ingredients needed to create a story are plot, character, setting and dialog. Beyond those, a writer should check that the story makes sense and keeps the reader engaged. Simple, right?

See how well you understand narrative by trying this quiz.

1 .
What is meant by the 'structure' of a story?
The organization of the story
The type of story (i.e. horror, mystery, science fiction, post-apocalyptic, etc.)
The mood and atmosphere of a story
The perspective of the narrator
In its most basic sense, structure is the beginning, middle and end of a story.  More importantly, it is how you organize these elements of your narrative
2 .
The events which occur in a story and the way in which they relate to each other are known as...
3 .
Which of the following would NOT make an effective beginning for narrative writing?
Beginning mid-dialogue
Beginning mid-action
Beginning with a long, repetitive, clichéd sentence
Beginning with a short, sharp sentence
The most important task of a first sentence is to make your reader want to read the next sentence (and the next, and the next,....)
4 .
Which one of the following would be a good reason to add a passage of descriptive writing in your narrative?
It's best if the reader can picture the setting exactly, in every detail
Well-chosen description adds to the setting, the mood or a character
A descriptive passage is good because it will make the story longer
Every piece of narrative writing must have a long passage of description
Never add anything to your writing just for the sake of filling space - make your words relevant and put them to work!
5 .
What is meant by the term 'rising action'?
A word or phrase hinting at something which will occur later on in the story
A series of events and complications occurring which lead to the climax of a story
A story with a hopeful, optimistic ending
All of the above
6 .
What must a story have at the end?
A happy event
A dream sequence
'Resolution' means letting your readers know what happened after the climax of the story; it also means making sure that you answer any major questions your story has raised in the minds of your readers.  This is also called 'denouement'
7 .
Writing dialog can be one of the hardest aspects of narrative writing to do well. Which of the following is NOT a common pitfall to avoid when writing dialog?
Being unclear who is speaking
Using too many exclamatory sentences
Writing clear, succinct, relevant dialog
Reproducing everyday conversation in all its boring detail
Another common pitfall is using the word 'said' too often (but you knew that already, didn't you?)
8 .
What is the name for a narrator who knows everything that is happening, including what each character is thinking?
First-person narrator
Second-person narrator
Third-person limited narrator
Omniscient narrator
'Omniscient' means 'all knowing'
9 .
What is setting?
The meaning of the story
The atmosphere of a story
The time, location and surrounding events in which a story takes place
The events of a story and the order in which they take place
10 .
If you were writing a narrative, in whose voice would it be?
Your own voice
Your best friend's voice
The narrator's voice
Your teacher's voice
Even if you write in the first person, you will be writing in the voice of the narrator, who might or might not sound like you
Author:  Sheri Smith

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