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Biology - Waste Management
All living things are biodegradeable, although certain parts of them may take longer than others to decay.

Biology - Waste Management

This Biology quiz is called 'Biology - Waste Management' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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In high school, science students will look at energy and biomass in food chains. This quiz specifically looks at the decay and recycling of dead and waste material, or waste management.

1 .
Some students carried out an experiment to investigate the rate of decay of a potato. Below are just four of the experiments they tried. In which one would the potato decay fastest?
Large pieces in a dry sealed container in warm conditions
Small pieces in an open container in warm conditions and sprayed with water each day
Large pieces in a dry sealed container in a refrigerator
Small pieces in a dry sealed container in a refrigerator
This tests whether or not you know the best conditions for decay to take place
2 .
In what form can these materials be returned to the environment?
As droppings
As carbon dioxide
As dead bodies
All of the above
They are also returned as leaves, dead plants, dead flowers etc. In other words, they are returned to the environment as waste products and when organisms (or parts of plants) die
3 .
Many local authorities run garden waste composting schemes. Which of the following is not an advantage of this?
Large branches of trees in the waste need to be cut into much smaller pieces
It reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill sites
It recycles nutrients that would otherwise be lost
The compost can be sold cheaply to local gardeners
There are many benefits to composting schemes and very few disadvantages
4 .
Why do living things take things from their environment?
They are parasites
For growth and other life processes
They are saprophyes
To give them more room for living
Plants take carbon dioxide from the air and water containing their nutrients from the soil
5 .
Which word correctly describes something that can be broken down by the microorganisms that cause decay?
All living things are biodegradeable although certain parts of them may take longer than others to decay
6 .
Which of the following methods of packaging does not break down naturally?
A plastic bag
A large envelope made from card
Tissue paper used to protect delicate items in a box
A cotton bag
Plastic bags (and other plastic items) that are thrown away now will still be there in landfills in hundreds of years time
7 .
Which of the following makes things decay?
Bacteria and fungi
Microorganisms digest the waste and dead materials and use some of the products themselves. Any unused materials are released back to the environment. Worms and woodlice help the process by breaking down larger pieces of detritus into smaller pieces that can be broken down faster. Viruses play no part whatsoever in the decay process
8 .
How does nature recycle dead and waste materials?
As they decay, chemicals are released back into the environment that can be used by plants. They can then travel through the food web again
9 .
How do microorganisms cause decay?
They release enzymes which break down the dead material
They release hormones that break down the dead material
They engulf the dead material piece by piece
They use their vacuoles as miniature mouths
Enzymes are chemicals that help to break down other more complex chemicals into smaller chemicals. Some of the smaller chemicals are used by the bacteria and fungi for growth, repair and respiration. The rest are returned to the environment for re-use by plants
10 .
Gardeners will 'turn' their compost regularly. This involves using a garden fork to bring the compost from the bottom of the pile to the top. Which of the following is the scientific reason for doing this?
They were taught to do it by their parents
So that the worms in the compost can get more light
To get more air into the compost
Organic materials decay better in the dark
There are two types of microorganism that cause decay. Anaerobic ones are dominant where there is little oxygen present. They work slowly and tend to produce a smelly sludge. They also release methane and hydrogen sulfide which are of no use to plants. Aerobic microorganisms work faster and produce a compost that is more like soil
Author:  Kev Woodward

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