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A Splendid Idea - Adjectives
Your new friends ask you whether you would like to go with them to a major event.

A Splendid Idea - Adjectives

Quiz playing is a wonderful way to increase your knowledge of English as a Second Language. Remember that all of our ESL quizzes have titles that are both friendly and technical at the same time… In the case of this quiz you might like to tell your friends about “A splendid idea” but no doubt your teachers will talk about “using adjectives”! If you hear a technical term and you want to find a quiz about the subject then just look through the list of quiz titles until you find what you need.

When you are talking with English people, it's polite to say lots of good things about them and their language, and how positive you feel about your progress. The way to do this is by choosing good adjectives to use in your sentences. In this quiz you can find many ways to make positive remarks and comments by using the right adjectives.

1 .
You are being introduced to a British person that you have not met before. What do you say?
I'm very glad to meet you.
It is a great honour for me to be meeting you.
I have been looking forward to meeting you for a very long time indeed.
Hello, how nice, thank you.
Answer 1 is simple, clear and dignified.
Answers 2 and 3 are rather too formal and exaggerated (and hard to remember), even if this is more like what you might want to say in your first language.
Answer 4, by contrast, is rather too down-beat and 'cool'; it isn't quite polite enough.
2 .
Some British friends invite you to their home for a meal. What do you say as you arrive at the house, and go in?
I like your house.
What a lovely house!
This is the most wonderful house that you have.
In my humble opinion this house is a place of great blessing.
This time we have a 'scale of 4 answers', from (1) which again is rather too weak and simple, to (4) which British people would find too elaborate. The simplest polite answer is No.2.
3 .
During the meal your new friends ask if you are enjoying the food. What do you say?
Truly, the soup was a masterpiece, but for me, it is surpassed by the great excellence of this chicken.
Your soup was wonderful, but I enjoyed the chicken very much too. May I ask you where I could find the recipe?
It's OK, thank you very much.
I'm afraid we don't have that in my country and I thought it was not only strange, but horrible.
This time the 'scale' is the other way up, but No.2 is probably the best answer. If you can ask a polite question, sound interested and help to keep the conversation flowing, this is all good socially ~ and will help your competence and confidence at speaking English.
4 .
Later in the meal they are talking about a hobby (a pastime, e.g. some kind of sport) that they all share. They ask you what you feel about it, and you say: ...
I've never tried that in fact, but it sounds very interesting; and yes, I think I'd like to 'have a go' if I had the chance.
I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound like the kind of thing I enjoy at all.
I wouldn't mind trying it, but I can't say I'm really bothered.
That sounds like a really stupid way to waste your time and money.
Answer 1 is the most positive; 2 and 4 are 'dismissive' to the point of being quite rude; and 3 is not a very kind answer, because you don't seem to make any effort to share their enthusiasm.
5 .
They suggest that you might like to join them, doing this same hobby (whatever it is!) in a few days' time, at the weekend. You reply: ...
Saturday afternoon is really inconvenient for me. What a silly idea!
I suppose I could come along on Saturday, but how can you expect me to travel by myself?
That sounds quite fun, but I'm not sure whether I'm free on Saturday.
What a splendid idea! Yes, I'd love to come. Thank you very much for the suggestion.
This time the 'scale' gets better and better ( = warmer, more positive and polite ) as it goes on. Answers 1 & 2 are again really quite negative, dismissive, unhelpful and impolite; No.3 is a bit vague. Answer 4 is the sort of answer they will have been hoping for, and it offers the chance to develop your friendship further and learn something new.
6 .
It is now Saturday afternoon and you have spent a few hours trying out the new hobby with your friends. They ask you how you have enjoyed it. You say: ...
Well, there were some good moments and some bad moments, but I'm glad I tried it!
I can't understand why you people like doing this.
I've really, really enjoyed myself ~ it was awesome ~ and I'm so, so grateful to you all for giving me this chance.
What an absurd activity!
Answer 1, again, is clear and positive; 2 and 4 mean more or less the same thing, and show a rude lack of sympathy after all their efforts to involve you in the activity. Answer 3 is probably too strong, unless you genuinely did have a wonderful time. (It sounds a bit like someone's Awards acceptance speech at the Oscars!)
7 .
Your new friends now ask you whether you would like to go with them to a major event, in connection with this activity: such as a professional match (or other performance) at regional level. It is happening in a few more weeks' time: they are offering to take you as a guest and pay for your ticket. You reply : ...
No thanks, I think I'm busy that day, or maybe I'll have gone home by then.
That's very kind of you, but I shall need to check my diary.
What a wonderful idea! I'd be really delighted to come, if you're quite sure ...
Many blessings be upon you for this your inestimable generosity.
The 'scale' improves as it goes down, this time. Answer 4 is 'over-done' and pompous, but No.3 is very good. No.1 is rude and dismissive; No.2 may happen to be true, but it doesn't have enough enthusiasm or appreciation in it.
8 .
After the big event, your friends suggest moving on to visit a place where you know you should not go, or where you might feel uncomfortable (a casino perhaps, or somewhere that there might be alcohol or drugs, or some other activity that you don't believe in or approve of). What can you say politely, at this point?
No, no , no, please no, anything else but that ... that's horrible and disgusting.
I'm very sorry, but I can't go in there with you. It's something that I never do; I would not be comfortable.
What, going in there? You must be joking! I'd never do that sort of thing! Leave me out of this!
This is very kind of you, I'm sure; but I really can't go in, I'm afraid. I hope you'll understand if I wait for you outside.
The 'odd-numbered' answers (1 & 3) may be true, and they may reflect your uncomfortable feelings, but they sound a bit 'panicky'. Answer 2 has some dignity to it, but No.4 is best, because it keeps the empathy, and explains the situation, and suggests a positive way round the difficulty without leaving anyone feeling embarrassed.
9 .
You meet this group of friends one final time before you travel back home to your own country. Towards the end of your time together, what do you say to them?
I'd like to thank you all very much for being so kind and generous. I hope we'll keep in contact, and if ever you're coming to my country, please let me know beforehand so we can try and meet up again.
Thank you for your every kindness; it was wonderful.
It's been fun, hasn't it? Thanks a lot, everyone.
You've been really kind and patient, and I'm hugely grateful.
There are useful bits in all of these, but if you could manage to say (even, most of) No.1 your friends will be very impressed, and they should feel their efforts to welcome you were appreciated as worthwhile.
10 .
One of your friends sends an e-mail, telling you that he (or she) will be passing through your home country for a few days next month. How do you reply?
Nice to hear from you, but I am busy all that week.
Wonderful news that you are coming this way! I'd be really happy to show you our capital city and the lakes and mountains.
We could perhaps put you in the spare bedroom, I suppose. How many nights would you be here?
You can't come and stay here; I'm sorry, but it's as simple as that.
Answer 2 is bright and cheerful and positive; 1 and 4 may happen to be true, but there is no sense of 'warmth' from your old friendship. Answer 3 doesn't have much generosity in it, either ~ how happy would YOU be, if someone sent you a message like that?
Author:  Ian Miles

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