Story - Teachers
The career of teaching is an occupation that has both drawbacks and advantages. Some of the drawbacks like little money and early hours are evident, but there are also drawbacks that the average person is unaware of. The same can be said about the advantages.
Besides the financial woes of a teacher's salary, another drawback is the amount of time spent planning lessons and grading papers. These tasks are usually done outside of school hours due to the teacher's day being spent teaching students. Another drawback is the money the teacher has to spend on their own classroom or students. Due to budget cuts in many school systems, the teacher is forced to spend money out of her or his own pocket. Finally, teachers have to get used to larger and larger class sizes. Again, budget cuts also results in not being able to pay the salary of hiring another teacher. So, the extra students are placed into another classroom.
Even though there are disadvantages, there are also benefits to being a teacher. It seems that having the summers off is the best benefit, but there are others too. Most teachers get days off that their children get off. So, it is a good job to have if they have grade-level children of their own. Another benefit is that the teacher gets to teach a subject that is dear to their heart. Also, teachers get to spend their time doing something positive.
1 .
How can other family members benefit from having their mom or dad as a teacher?
They can be tutored by their parent
They will have the same days off
Their parent can drive them to school
Their parent can talk to other teachers to give their child good grades
2 .
What evidence from the story helps you answer question 1?
So the extra students are placed into another classroom
Even though there are disadvantages, there are also benefits to being a teacher
It seems that having the summers off is the best benefit, but there are others too
Most teachers get days off that their children get off
3 .
In the second paragraph, what is the author's tone?
4 .
What evidence from the story helps you answer question 3?
The author's numerous years of handling misbehaving students is evident in his or her tone
The author's background and experience in the school systems shows his or her tone
The number of disadvantages and the way the author states it relays his or her tone
Since it is obvious that the author does not like his or her job, the tone shows he or she is trying to find another job
5 .
What level of knowledge does the author give to the reader about the disadvantages and advantages of being a teacher?
No knowledge
Very little
6 .
What evidence from the story helps you answer question 5?
Some of the drawbacks like little money and early hours are evident, but there are also drawbacks that the average person is unaware of
Besides the financial woes of a teacher's salary, another drawback is the amount of time spent planning lessons and grading papers
The career of teaching is an occupation that has both drawbacks and advantages
Even though there are disadvantages, there are also benefits to being a teacher
7 .
Who or what does the author seem to blame for the disadvantages with being a teacher?
Budget cuts
Class sizes
8 .
What evidence from the story helps you answer question 7?
Due to budget cuts in many school systems, the teacher is forced to spend money out of her or his own pocket
Again, budget cuts also results in not being able to pay the salary of hiring another teacher
These tasks are usually done outside of school hours due to the teacher's day being spent teaching students
So, the extra students are placed into another classroom
9 .
After reading this selection, what could be asked to a student in order to reflect on this text?
What are the job duties of a teacher?
Who are some famous teachers in history?
Would you want to be a teacher?
Would you want to be a principal?
10 .
Why do teachers become teachers based on the text?
The salary
The time off
A positive job
Budget cuts